Part 8

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I said "Have you lost it! I can't marry you I am just 18, what about my school and future?" 

He told me "You can live just like you are living now. I won't ever disturb you or interfere in any of your matter. The only loop hole I could find was that Mr. Colton had a daughter who is 18 and of legal age to marry. I am not forcing you, its your decision completely. Tell me whenever you are ready but till that time no talking about this to anyone." 

I was about to leave without replying anything when I heard him say "Just one year and then you will be out of this mess, your father will have his company back and I can finally get my revenge." 

I paused hearing revenge word and asked him "What revenge? Why do you want to do something bad to your own mother?" He said "I can't tell you, just keep that in mind I will be on your side in this." 

I just nodded and left. All the way back I only thought if I should consult Jake or not. What if what Bryan said is true and Jake is the one to release the list of small shareholders. I need to start reading more about business and I need to find a way to get dad out of this mess. 

When I was going to my room, I saw opposite side from our Villa towards Dad villa. He was sitting on a chair in the balcony and drinking. He occasionally drinks, mostly during business party or dinners, he never drinks alone. Maybe he is stressed, should I talk to him? 

I think that's the best, mom whenever dad was stressed and drank alone used to talk to him and get him to talk about what was bugging him, maybe it's time I grow up and help dad. I went towards his villa and up towards the balcony. 

I was nervous due to the pool in front and sat down beside dad and said "Dad if mom was here she would have scolded you for drinking alone." He kept his glass on the table and asked "I thought you were sleeping?" 

I said "I went for a walk, was about to go to my room when I saw you here. Dad something is bothering you right?" He shook his head and said "No, nothing is bothering me its just that we are on vacation and it's occasionally we go on vacation so drinking is allowed." 

I rolled my eye and said "I am 18 now and no more a kid, if you are worried you should share. I am the only family you have, if we don't share our problems with each other we will forever be stressed. So now tell me what is going on? Is is something to do with company?"

He smiled and said "I don't know when my princess grew up so much, but I am fine and you don't have to worry. If anything is wrong with company I will manage it, all you need to do is be happy. If you are happy, I am happy." 

I said "So its about company! I may not understand much about it all but whatever it is share with me, maybe it will lighten your mood." 

He chuckled and said "Talking to you has already lighten my mood. Anyways I hope you are liking it here? Sorry about Amanda and her family being here." 

I told him "No dad its completely okay! I am liking it. I got along well with Ryan and Bryan. Ryan is Krystle's old friend and used to be in my school but last year he moved to DC." 

Dad said "Yes both the boys are good. Come on lets call it a night, we have to go hiking tomorrow morning." I nodded and said "Good night dad! After I leave don't you dare start drinking again." 

He laughed and said "Sure I am going to my room, so don't you worry. Good Night!" After that I went to my room and started to think of another way to help dad. All night I kept turning and tossing. 

Finally at around 3:30 am I knew what I wanted to do, I have made my decision. I called the last dialed no. and a sleepy voice said "Hello!" 

I said "Sam here! Come down to my room, we need to talk." He might have realized who it was and said "Are you mad? It's around 3:30! Normally people sleep during this time." 

I said getting irritated "If you want me to help you come down now or I am backing away in next five minutes." 

After that without listening to his reply I disconnected. I unlocked my door and sat back on the bed waiting for Bryan to come. After about 10 minutes he was finally down. Wearing a loose t-shirt and a pajama.

He said "I am warning you for the first and the last time I don't take orders. Don't you ever dare blackmail me again. Tell me what you want to tell so that I can go back to sleep." I told him "If you want to behave like this then leave, I will not help. In this we are together and we will listen to each other."

He nodded, not wanting to argue and I continued "If we are going to act in love and want to get married, we need a plan. Have you thought about it? How we met and all? It's obvious we can't just say that we fell in love in a week." 

He might have realized what I said and soon he was wide awake and the sleep in his eye vanished. He said "You do have a point! Thanks for the help, I will forever be in debt for this favor. But no I don't have any plans yet. Lets plan something now and from morning we can start with our plan." 

I nodded and we both started to think about it. I picked up my phone and there was a new message notification from Krystle. I asked Bryan "Do you know Ryan's friend Krystle? I heard she stays near your place?" 

He shook his head and said "Never heard that name, I used to stay elsewhere. Do you have her picture? Maybe I would have seen her when I visited Rachel?" I nodded and opened my gallery. 

I showed her picture and he looked at it for a minute trying to remember and said "Yes! She stays next door I have seen her." 

I was shocked, I had been to Krystle's house so many times why did I never see any of them. I said "We have a plan! We could say, we met when I visited Krystle and had been in contact with you since then. But how long back did we meet?"

He said "Five months ago? That was the last time I visited that place. After Mr. Hall left I made mother move in with me so that I could keep an eye on Rachel. I went there to sell the house five months back."

I asked him "Okay! So that's it from past five months we have known each other and dated soon later. We were shocked to see each other here. What say?" He nodded "Yes! That's okay! What if they question more?"

I said "Knowing my father he will not ask you questions about me, all he will do is keep an eye on you always after hearing that we are dating. If he sees I am happy with you and you are treating me good, he won't object to us. What about your family?"

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