Part 39

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After about two hours I felt someone's presence and shouted "Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?" This was the line I was told to use by the boys.

I heard the witch say "Who brought you here at my place? I did not kidnapped you yet."

I screamed at her "Why are you lying? After captivating me for five to six days you are finally coming here and asking me that? What did I ever do to you?"

She asked shocked "Who told you that I had kidnapped you?" I told her "Your men who used to bring me food. Now stop lying and let me go home or you will regret forever."

She laughed along with few more people and said "Seriously look at you! You are the one who is tied up and can't do anything. I have my men around now and you can't do anything. I can shout you in a blink of an eye."

I stated "Like you did with Wane's father? How can you kill your own husband for money. Kill me all you want but I am sure you will die too. I am sure my father and Wane will not let you live in peace."

She opened my eyes and slapped me and shouted "You have spoiled everything for me, if it wasn't because of you I would have never killed my husband then. Now after years again you spoiled everything for me by loving my son. I had it all planned if I married Albert, I could have lived my whole life without worrying about money but no you have to spoil it for me again. Because of you years ago I could not get all the money and stop doing all this and even now because of you I am still living a life like a criminal."

I heard from behind us "You always were a criminal, the day you kidnapped us you became one and after you killed my father you became a murderer. You confessed your own crime and the cops here now have recorded it. Thank God we came here in time and found you."

Wane and dad then came towards me, before Amanda could remove her gun or her men remove their guns, the cops got hold of them. Jake untied me and dad hugged me and looked at my face and shouted.

"How dare you slap my daughter?" He then checked my wrist and said "You even burnt her?"

Amanda pleaded "But I did not kidnap her, I just came to my house because I got a call that my house was on fire. When I came in it was all fine and here I saw her."

Dad shouted "Stop lying! If you just came here then why did you slap her? I am sure looking at the fresh mark on her cheeks its your hand. All the others fingers are bigger than the one on her face."

The cops said "We will have to arrest you Ms. Amanda Scoot along with your men. If you have anything to say, you can say it in court. You were caught on crime scene and we did hear you saying you killed someone."

Amanda kept pleading but the cops took her away and before leaving they said "We will come tomorrow to record you statement Ms. Samantha Colton." I still in my father's arm nodded and they all left.

After that Jake and Jeremy hugged me and then we all went back home.

At home a crying Ellie hugged me first. She said "I am so sorry all this happened because of me. Look at you oh God you might have been in so much trouble." 

I smiled and told her "Hey I am fine, stop crying now. It was not your fault."

She said "If I tried harder maybe I could have saved you from getting kidnapped." 

I laughed and said "But I am fine now. I will go and freshen up in my room."

Wane said before I left "Don't scrub to hard! Let the paint come out on its own. It will take around a week for all those marks to heal and if you don't scrub the paint will also not come out like for a week but become lighter day by day." 

I nodded and said "Okay!"

I heard Ryan ask "What paint? She just came back home after a week of being abducted but acting so casually. What is going on here?"

I went to my room knowing Wane will be now explaining them about my fake kidnapping.

A few minutes later when I came out of my washroom I saw Ellie sitting on my bed.

When she saw me, she hit me on my head and said "I was crying and blaming myself for a week for nothing."

I told her "Come on I too did not knew anything about it. I also got to know later." 

Soon Everyone was in my room now. Ryan, Gary, Ellie, Jeremy, Jake and Wane.

Wane told them "You know the first time I went to see her she did something I could have never imagined?" 

Jeremy asked him "She gave you a blowjob?"

Wane hit Jeremy and said "Stop it you fool! She jumped into the swimming pool! Thank God I saw it with my own eye or I would have never believed it. I wish there were cameras or something I could have shown you all." 

Jake told him "Impossible!"

I stated "I did! For hours I kept looking towards pool and knew that was my only way out. I did not knew I was faked kidnapped so I had to save myself. Then finally thinking about you all, I jumped. Thank God the pool was not deep and I was able to stand but when I was in water I did not get any panic attack or anything. I was so happy, I wanted to brag about it to you all but my happy moment was destroyed by a fool."

Jake laughed and said "If I knew you would do something like this I would have kidnapped you years ago."

I just laughed and told him "I even learned to cook. I can now make instant foods, sandwiches, spaghetti, pasta, soups, pan cakes, shakes and fresh fruit juices." 

They all laughed and Jeremy said "It feels like you are coming back from an educational camp, where we paid the men to teach you to cook and conquer your fear."

I hit him and said "I was actually slapped by that witch and it hurts and you are making fun of me." 

He rolled his eye and shouted "Why do you hit me so much. My arms have started paining because of you. Ask your boyfriend to kiss you and make the pain go away." I again hit him and laughed. 

After that Wane, Jake, Jeremy left and Ryan, Ellie and Gary stayed and told me about school.

How many students actually were worried about me and asked did they found any clues about me. They even prayed for my safety in school daily during first class.

I laughed and asked "What about Instagram? What were the comments on Wane's post for my birthday?" 

Ryan told me "Usual I feel sorry for her and that she comes back safely or may that bitch rot in hell for stealing my Wane. Or some who hated Wane blamed him for your kidnapping. The usual hate, love and neutral comments."

I laughed and said "I had guessed that much." Gary asked "You coming to school from tomorrow?"

I nodded and said "Yes I am coming! Lets go on a bike tomorrow. That is left to do." 

Ryan said "Okay Gray has a bike he will come here and pick you up and we will all meet at Ellie's place." I nodded and said "Okay then see you all tomorrow." 

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