Part 13

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It was now Saturday and we are finally going back. The time I spend with dad was amazing. Dad, Jake and I went hiking to other parts, we went for a wild life safari twice and explored the place. I was so happy finally we had a much needed family break.

All this week I was in contact with Wine or Wane but I did not tell him that I found out who he was in real. When I googled him, he was linked to many models and actresses but his PR clearly refused to those rumors. 

I guess as he said, he surely is a player. I don't know why but after all our random chats, I was liking him and enjoying our talks. I wish to meet him when we return. I told him I was coming back on Saturday and we should meet soon. But he said he will be busy and be able to meet me after a month or two. 

We were having dinner, it was just me and dad on the table. Dad asked me "How is everything going on with Bryan?" 

I faked a smile and said "Everything is good, he is kind of busy with his family drama and work." 

Dad asked "Are you sure about him? I mean the age difference and all?" I nodded and said "We had thought about it before we started dating dad. I am happy with him and it's all that matters." 

He told me "Invite him for dinner tomorrow, we never spoke properly and I never gave him a warning like a father should." 

I nodded and told dad "Okay! Will ask him if he is free tomorrow. I am done and too tired, I will leave first." He nodded and I kept my dishes in the sink for maid to wash it later. 

I went to my room and texted Bryan. After they had left, I never got a message from him. We did not talk even a word after the talk we had in my resort room. 

S: I hope you have reached back safely!!! I suppose you were gonna text me about reaching back safely.

After few minutes I got a new message notification and opened it. It was a reply from Bryan.

B: Sorry we reached late at night and I was too tired. After that I got busy with work and had a situation at home to take care of. Did you come back?

S: Yes we returned back today afternoon!! Dad wanted to meet you and told me to ask you if you can come tomorrow for dinner?

B: Sure I will come, telling you in advance whatever you cook make sure there isn't any animal product used. I am trying to be a Vegan! Avoid nuts too!! I am allergic to it. 

S: Sure will remember to tell the cook about it! Come by 6 then!!

B: Okay! Good Night. 

S: Good Night!! See you tomorrow!

After that I opened my tinder and texted Wine. 

S: Hey! 

W: Hey Beautiful! So you are back? 

S: Yes just got back in the afternoon! How are you? 

W: I am good! How about you? Aren't you tired after all the travelling? 

S: I am fine too! I am a bit tired but I still want to talk to you!

W: You sure? 

S: Yes! I am sure! Can I ask you something? Don't think of me as a stalker or anything after my question.

W: Okay I won't but I am guessing where it is going. Ask!

S: I googled about automobile designer! I then saw a picture and knew it was you. You are quiet famous, then why on tinder? I know you are real as it is a verified account. Wane Scoot you are quite a player I must say. 

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