Part 31

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After coming home I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I called Jeremy. He replied within seconds. "Hey! How did your prank go?"

I told him "It was okay until your friend fall down and made me cry again. Anyways I need your help can you come over?" 

He laughed and said "Okay I will be there in an hour!" I told him "Okay then see you later and don't tell Wane about you coming here please." 

He agreed and I went to have a bath and change. I wore a pink t-shirt along with blue jeans and white denim crop jacket. I came down after an hour when I got a text from Jeremy that he was here.

I invited him in. He asked "So what do you want me to help you out with?" I asked him "Do you want anything to drink?" He said "No I just had lunch. Tell me what do you need help with?" 

I told him "I want to do something for Wane but don't know what to do. Please help me with something." He asked me "What do you have in mind?" 

I scratched my head and said "He does so many things for me and this time I wanted to do something for him that will make him happy." 

He suggested "You just stay with him and he will be happy. The only thing that makes him happy is you." I asked him "No he confessed again today morning and it was sweet but I want to do something that will make him feel special too and then confess."

He asked me "So you are finally giving him a chance?" I nodded and he said "Even if you just have said yes he will be happy. But since you asked my help let me think." 

He thought for a minute and suggested "How about you cook for him? His favorite chicken pasta?" I laughed and said "Are you planning to kill him? I can't cook." 

He then said "Then set up a romantic candle light dinner, somewhere private and ask someone else to cook." I asked him "Where can I do it? We can't go to any hotel or restaurants. I don't want him to dress up for our first date as Bryan, he is always uncomfortable in that look." 

He said "How about my garden? I have a tent on my terrace garden. I will ask my butler to add fairy light and few romantic lights. I am anyways going to my parents place and will be back tomorrow night. You can have the place all by yourself. I will send away the butler too for a day." 

I asked him "Will it be okay?" He nodded "Anything for Wane and you. You will prepare food or do you want me to do it?" 

I told him "No I will do it. You just text Wane to meet you at your place around 7?" He said "Okay I will do it. Thank you for accepting him."

I smiled and said "Okay then I will be at your place by 6:30" He nodded and left. 

I called Ellie, before she could say anything I said "I need a dress! I have a date, be ready in an hour we are going shopping. Tell that fool too, I have so much work to do." 

She replied "Okay! I need details." I told her "When we will go for shopping I will tell you but please now be ready in an hour." 

She said "Okay Ryan and I will come in an hour. Bye!" After she disconnected I ordered Italian food from Wane's favorite place and asked them to deliver food by 6:45 pm at Jeremy's address. 

I then informed dad that I am going out with Ellie and Ryan and went to my room to get my things. It was already 3:30 pm and I was so damn nervous. This is the first time I am doing something like this. I just hope I don't screw things up.

By 6:30 I was finally at Jeremy's place. He looked at me and said "Wow you are looking amazing." I thanked him and he showed me the place. It was so beautifully decorated. I thanked him again.

After that he left the place and I waited. The food had arrived and I kept it in the bowls given to me by Jeremy. After 10 minutes I heard Wane voice "Hey Jerry where are you? And why did you ask me to dress up?" 

I made a noise of shifting a chair so that he knows where to come, it was Jeremy's idea. He said "You on the terrace?" Then I heard him climb the stairs and the door opening. I stood in front of the door and waved at him.

He looked shocked and asked me "What are you doing here? Where is Jerry?" Then he looked around and again asked "What is all this set up for?" 

I smiled and said "Jeremy went to his parents place and this is a small surprise I prepared for you, thanks to Jeremy for help."

He gave me a confused look and asked "Why?" I took his hand and took him with me to sit down. 

After he sat down I said "I prepared a dinner for you. When you were Bryan you used to take me out to eat at fancy places and my favorite food. After that as Wane you have always cooked for me and it was so amazing. As a small gesture of thank you I prepared all this." 

He asked me shocked "You cooked?" I laughed and said "I am sorry to disappoint you but I did not wanted us to die so soon, so I ordered from your favorite place. Come lets eat first then we can talk. I don't want the food to get cold." 

He said "Wow! Thank you so much beautiful. But today you are looking so hot and sexy." I thanked him and we ate our food talking about random things. 

After we were done, he helped me keep away the utensils away. Then came back and sat beside me. He then asked me "You know it feels like we are on a date. All this is so romantic is something going on beautiful?" 

I stood up, sat on my knees and said "Wane I have fallen for you as Bryan and Wane both. When I found out you both were same, I was a bit angry but more happy as I could never have decided who to choose. Then on camp we had misunderstanding which we cleared after a month. I was afraid till today morning thinking you are with me just because you are stuck on your first love and one day you will realize I am an immature kid and leave me. But you are ready to fight with me but still remain by my side and you can't see me cry right? I would be a fool if I let you go. You said correctly I can't imagine you with anyone but me, I will kill you if you ever lay your eyes on any other girl ever. Those eyes are meant only to look at me and admire me do you get it?" 

He was now sitting on his knee in front of me and nodded. I continued "You have asked many times and I have rejected you. Today I will ask you Wane will you be my real boyfriend?"

He shook his head and said "No! Its my turn to reject you now." I sat there shocked. Was I too late, shit I am going to cry. Tears please stop and don't come now. Please!    

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