Part 28

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I was at home and talking on phone with Wane. He asked me "So how was my speech today?"

S: It was okay! I was busy checking out boys in the auditorium.

W: Oh really? I saw someone clicking my pictures. You know my 80% focus was on you and the remaining on my speech.

S: Whatever!

W: What whatever? Whenever you don't have an answer or words to say you end the discussion by whatever.

S: I am ignoring you.

W: Why now?

S: What was that in school? She has a boyfriend named Bryan.

W: You were trying to flirt with someone in front of me.

S: Why jealous?

W: Yes!

S: Oh god why are you so straight forward. Can't you just say no and let me tease you a bit.

W: I was being honest.

S: Whatever!

He then laughed.

S: Anyways I liked your professional side too.

W: Thanks! Can I ask you something?

S: Sure ask!

W: Why can't you agree on being my girlfriend? We both love each other then why not?

S: I don't want to be an immature stubborn teen. When I will grow up and become mature then we can date.

W: You know I was pissed that day and said without thinking. Firstly I was depressed coz of me you were hurt and secondly you were not listening to me. I am sorry I did not mean any of it.

S: I don't want to talk about that day. Anyways I am sleeping I have school tomorrow morning.

W: Don't sleep! I want to talk more.

S: What do you want to talk about?

W: I don't know. I just don't want this call to end so soon.

S: Wane I have school tomorrow morning.

W: Then miss it! I am a trustee there I will manage your attendance. 

S: Wane stop behaving like this. Is something wrong with you?

W: Nope! Just I love you!

I blushed, thank god we were on call or he would have teased me.

S: Wane will you stop it?

W: Nope not until you are mine. 

S: Stop playing around Wane.

W: I am serious! Don't you see?

S: See what?

W: I'm very sincere right now. 

S: I' going. Bye!

With that I hung up the phone. That night I kept turning and tossing on my bed. 

Next morning I was being too grumpy because I could not sleep. 

Ryan asked "Why are you being so grumpy so early in the morning! We haven't reached school yet and here you are being mean." 

I told him "Go ask your brother! That fool!" He laughed and Ellie asked "Did you two do it finally last night? Or this grumpiness is because of sexual frustration?"

I rolled my eyes and asked her "Do you want to die?" Both of them laughed and said together "Sexual frustration!" Then looked at each other and hi-fived. 

I rolled my eyes and asked "Anyways which college are you two going to apply?" Ryan said "I am staying in NYC only, so will apply in a college here only." 

Ellie said "Same! I want to stay close to granny and granpa. What about you have you decided?"

I shook my head and said "I am still not sure! I want to study business as well as fashion. I am so confused. Help me!" 

Ryan said "If you wanna study fashion you will have to go to Paris! The best fashion school are in Paris." I nodded and said "Yes I know that! But I don't know I am confused."

Ellie suggested "Discuss with your father and Wane, I am sure they will advice you better than us." I nodded and we started walking towards our class. 

The day passed by, after school we had a group assignment to make. We have to submit it next month and we haven't even decided our topic.

Luckily the teacher allowed us to select our own group, so it's Ryan, Ellie, me and Gary as we needed four people.

We were sitting in library and discussing what topic can we choose. Gary suggested "We can research on cars, we can show about working mechanism of car. Ellie I don't know about you but I know Ryan and Samantha are both interested in cars. Teacher asked us to find an object and write a research paper about its making, assembling, mechanism etc. What better object can we find than car." 

Ryan nodded and said "Yes we could do it. It will be much easier! We can take help from Wane." I hit him reminding him that we are not the only one sitting on the table.

He realized that Gary was looking at him with a shock expression and said "I mean I can ask my father to talk to him and ask him to help us. My father knows him very well." 

Ellie laughed but said "I am okay with this topic! I am so least interested in this assignment but for marks I will do it."

Ryan said "Okay I will talk to my father today and let you all know. If we are done for now can we leave? I am starving."

I nodded and Gary went his way, while we all went and sat in Ryan's car. We three come to school in one car. Our houses are just blocks away so its easier too.

On the way Ryan asked me "Okay lets see what all is left in the wish list." I said wait I have the list, I will tell. I removed the list and told him.

"1 Join club which we never did- done
2 Go on a road trip- done. Our camping was a road trip
3 Take a trip with your best friend to some other country- we can go during vacations. Will plan later
4 Do a prank on a teacher-how about we do this next week? This weekend we are pulling an all nighter there we can discuss this. 
5 Apply for college and get in it- we are in process 
6 Bunk school for one day-done many times
7 Ride bike to school-bike as in bicycle one or actual bike? Lets consider actual bike. 
8 Go ice skating-Lets go this Sunday? 
9 Tattoo and piercing-Tattoo also we can get on Sunday
10 Hair coloring- done
11 Say yes more often- trying this 
12 pull an all nighter-doing on Friday
13 sleepover with all your friends-Friday when we are pulling an all nighter this will also be done.
14 Take polaroid-in our trip when we go to other country.
15 Go out of your comfort zone-trying to do it
16 Leave your name somewhere in school-we can do that on the last day of school.
17 Go to prom- when prom will be held
18 Go on a spring break vacation-we can do this when we are going to other country trip. 
19 Grab a lunch with a long lost or new friend- We did this when we became friend with Ellie
20 Forgive an old grudge-I did it, I forgave Wane
21 Conquer a fear-okay! I don't think I will ever be able to do this
22 Go camping-done
23 Start your own tradition- done
24 Have a food fight- we can do it in school lunch when we are pranking teacher
25 Do a senior photo shoot with your best friend-last day of school
26 Go on a double date with your best friend-okay you two need to find someone soon."

Ryan said "So we have it all planned now. I have one bike and Wane has other. We can ask him to lend us his bike and then we can complete our task of coming to school by bike."

Ellie nodded and said "Wow whole school year we are going to do something or the other. Its quiet interesting isn't it?" We both nodded. 

After we were done with our discussion, I got out of car as we had reached my house 10 minutes ago. We bid goodbye and then Ryan and Ellie left. 

Did I mention this or forgot that Ryan stays two houses away from Ellie? Anyways now you know and their house is two blocks away from mine. 

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