Part 21

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After an hour finally the matter was solved. Evan was expelled from school and before leaving his father asked him to apologize and he had to do it.

Ellie to left as it was time to go home and her grandfather was there to take her back home. 

I had my own car so Wane said that he will drive with me to home. At first I was reluctant but then I agreed.

I was now sitting in the passenger seat whereas Wane or should I say Bryan was talking to dad outside. 

Soon he was back smilingly. He sat in the driver seat and I asked "Why are you smiling so much?"

He said "God your are so small! I have to adjust this seat so much." He said while adjusting the seat.

I rolled my eye and said "I am not small, you are giant." He just laughed and said "Seriously we are meeting for the first time and you are insulting me." 

I shouted at him, while he started the car "Will you stop with this drama already Wane or should I call Bryan?"

He stopped the car and asked "Ryan or Jake told you?" I shook my head and said "I guessed. Anyways can you explain why you lied to me?" 

He asked me "Can we go somewhere comfortable? Its a long story and you need to eat too."

I nodded and said "Okay! Lets go to your place, no one will be there and you can order something." 

He nodded and started driving. All the way I caught him throwing glances my way. I was doing the same and when caught I would start looking out. 

As soon as we reached, I went in and sat on a couch in the living room. He sat beside me and asked "Lets eat something first then I will explain. What do you want to eat?" 

I asked him "Do you know how to make instant pasta? There is packet which Ryan and I brought few days ago. I suck when it comes to cooking. Ryan used to make it for us." 

He nodded and said "Its okay I am good in it. I will make, till that time you relax or do whatever you want."

I remembered and told him "I need to inform dad. I lost my phone, can I use yours?"

He nodded and passed me his phone. I asked his password and he told me. I unlocked his phone and saw his cover picture was our selfie which he clicked last week when we had gone to dinner. I asked him "By what name is dad's no. saved?" 

He said "Mr. Colton!" I searched the name and then called dad. Dad answered "Hello!"

I told dad "Dad I am with Wane I will come home late." He said "Okay! Stay safe and why are you calling from his no.?" 

I stated "I lost my phone." He said "Okay take care! If you want ride back home call me or Jake from his phone."

I replied with an okay and disconnected the call. As I was about to give his cell phone back he got a call.

I saw the caller name "Jerry" I said to Bryan "Someone name Jerry is calling you. What kind of a name is this?" 

He took the phone and went to his room while talking. I shrugged my shoulder and sat on the couch and flipped channels on television.

After five minutes Bryan has changed his clothes and was back. He was still Wane, just clothes were different. 

He passed me a bowl and said "Here is your food." I took a bite and said "Its good. Thanks! Why are you not eating?"

He said "I am not hungry, I ate heavy breakfast in the morning. I am ready to answer all your questions."

I asked him "What should I call you Bryan or Wane? Why do you have two identity?" 

He narrated "My name is Bryan Wane Scoot. Wane was a name given to me by my father. I was two when mother had left me and dad. Dad and I were so happy, he was my mom, dad, friend everything. I was 12 and one day after school, dad was late to pick me up from school. I was waiting for him when a van pulled towards me and abducted me. After that I was locked in a room for around a week. That time I knew nothing as to who kidnapped me or anything. One day finally police came and took me away. In the police station I was informed that my father was killed by the kidnapper and a lady claiming to be my mother took me."

I asked him "Why did the police allow you to go with the lady?"

He told me "She was my mother, a DNA paternity testing was done. She brought me from LA to here. I was so broken, I did not wanted to leave LA. When I finally grew up I went to my old house in LA. It was too difficult to remember but I located it. Everything was the same as dad and I had left. There I found my dad's diary and in it was written everything about my mother and kidnapping. My dad knew I would come to find him and hence left the diary. My mother was the one who kidnapped me and killed my father. I wanted to go to police but after consulting with a lawyer he told me that this diary can't prove anything and I can't do anything about it." 

I was shocked and asked him "Does your mother not know your middle name is Wane?"

He shook his head "No my father named me Wane after mother left and only he used top call me that. I don't want my mother to ever find that Wane Scoot is her own son. I don't know to get my wealth what she will do. I can't lose anyone else about whom I care and hence I am living two life."

I asked him "Who all know this?" He said "First it was me and my best and only friend Jeremy, then last week when Ryan shifted here I told him and today first your father and Jake found out and now you." 

I asked him "Why did you not tell me earlier? Why did you confused me?"

He said "I did not mean to confuse you but I wanted you to know both my side. When I first added you on Tinder I did not knew if we will ever meet in real but when I saw you in plane I was shocked. I so wanted to tell you but I needed sometime. I am sorry you had to find this way. But both Wane and Bryan are same just name difference."

I said "Shit! You missed your biggest award ceremony because of me. You were with me taking care of me."

He said "Like I said its all secondary for me, my first priority will always be my family."

I said "Thank you! What shall I call you?" He smilingly asked "Am I forgiven?"

I nodded and he said "Call me Wane when we are alone, I love that name more than Bryan."

I smiled and said "Okay then I will call you that only from today. Thank you for sharing all this with me."

He asked me "You sure you are all okay now?" I nodded and said "Yes I am okay now."

He was going to say something but the door bell rang and he got up to open the door.

I heard him say "You know the code then why ring the bell?" I heard someone else say "I did not wanted to barge in and see you making babies."

I heard someone yell "Ouch that hurts Wane!" 

Then Wane and the guy both entered and Wane said "Sam meet Jeremy my PA and she is Sam." 

Jeremy said "Finally I meet the famous Sam, anyways I am his best friend before his PA. I don't think this man here could do anything without me."

Wane said "As if you could do anything right? I am the one who keeps cleaning all your shit." 

Jeremy said "Ignore him, anyways I brought a gift for you. A birdie told me you lost your phone."

He said handing me a new I-phone. I said "Sorry I can't take this." 

Wane said "Its from me please take it. You can't reject my first gift. Pretty please." He said giving me a puppy dog eyes and I agreed.  

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