Part 22

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Its been a month since that incident and me finding Bryan is Wane. Everything is going good, I have become close friend with Ellie and she has started to trust Ryan too.

We three hangout a lot and sometimes when Wane is free he goes out for dinner with us. 

Wane and I have not discussed our relationship yet, we let others think we are dating as I do not want to tell my father the truth yet. We still talk on phone daily at night and I still write my diary.

It is finally Friday and we are waiting for our last class to be over. I told last weekend about Krystle to Ellie and she said, she would love to complete the wish list with us. So tomorrow we three are going camping.

At first Ellie's granny was not sure but after she met me and Ryan she agreed to let her go with us.

Ellie hasn't told Ryan about her past yet and its her story so I am not going to say anything. 

As soon as the last bell rang Ryan yelled "Lets go shopping for the camp bitches." Ellie and I rolled our eye and I hit him.

We drove to the grocery store first. We brought lots of packet food and after that we went clothes shopping. 

At around 1, I was asleep when my phone rang. I saw it was Wane and answered. 

S: Hey! You got back late?

W: You slept?

S: Yes! 

W: Sorry I got back late and as a habit without looking at the time called you.

S: Its okay! I was waiting for your call. Mostly when you are getting late you text me but today you did not.

W: I got way to engrossed in work and forgot to text. 

S: Okay what were you so busy with?

W: I wanted to complete my work so I could join you all tomorrow. Is it okay if Jeremy and I join too?

S: Yes no problem! Okay then I will see you in the morning.

W: Are you going back to sleep?

S: Yes! You want to say something? I can stay up if you want.

W: I was craving mid night ice-cream so I brought an ice-cream. If you want I am outside with your chocolate ice cream. I know your dad is not in city.

S: You are out?

W: Yes I am in my car. If you are sleepy I will go home too.

S: No wait I am coming.

I disconnected the call and went out. 

He saw me and came out of the car. He said shyly "Hi!" 

I smiled and said "Hey! I am seeing you after a week. Where were you so busy in?" He gave me my ice cream and started eating his.

He told me "Work! But now I am happy I get to spend the weekend with you." I asked him "Wane what are we?" 

He asked me "Aren't you my girlfriend?" I told him "But that's for people you know to get my father's share back."

He told me "What you want to be then? I want to be honest and tell you that I like you. I don't know what I will do about my mom. Or what is in my future but in present I like you." 

I told him "I like you too. I have liked you even when you were Bryan. I was confused between both Bryan and Wane but now I am happy that both are same." 

He smiled and said "We have lot of time, we will deal with it. Anyways can I hug you?" I nodded and hugged him.

This was the first time I was hugging him like this, earlier we used to give side hugs as a way of PDA but this hug was real. I felt safe in his arm. I was calm and so was he. I rested my head on his chest. 

He said "It feels like a dream, if I open my eyes, I know you will disappear." I pinched him in his shoulder and he moved away and said "What was that for?" 

I smilingly said "To remind you that it is real. Thank you for coming here today Wane."

He laughed and said "I should be the one thanking you beautiful. Thank you for not rejecting me. I was afraid that you will never like me."

I asked him "Why did you think that?" He told me "Given my reputation due to media. Everyone thinks I am a player."

I told him "The day you told me you are Bryan and Wane both at home dad told me, if I am with you then I should never trust media. In the beginning him and mom had fights due to rumors spread by media. He said I should always ask you first before coming to any conclusion."

He smiled and said "He sure is the best. I am happy that you trust me. I promise you I will never break this trust. So excited about camping?" 

I nodded and said "Yes! This is the first time I am going out with friends. Earlier I never did anything like this." 

He smiled and was about to say something when we heard "Sam? Wane? What are you two doing outside at 2 am?"

I turned hearing dad's voice and asked him "You are back early? Were you not going to come back tomorrow?" 

Dad replied "I was done with my work so got back early. Now I know why you stopped complaining about me being busy more."

I rolled my eye and said "Its nothing like that Wane got back late from work and was craving ice cream so I asked him to bring for me too. This is our first time meeting like this at night." 

Jake laughed and said "Caught on your first mid night date! Poor you!"

I slapped his arms to shut up and dad said "Okay! I am going in, you two enjoy your ice cream date. Sleep early you have to go outing with your friends tomorrow." 

I nodded and Jake hit me on my head before going in. Wane laughed and said "Your dad sure knows when to make a surprise entry. Okay then I will see you tomorrow morning." 

He hugged me and kissed my forehead before leaving. I went in to see Jake waiting for me in the living room. I asked him "All okay? Dad went to his room?"   

He nodded and said "Yes! Sir went back to his room. I was about to go back home too. I just wanted to know if all is okay with you?"

I asked him "Yes all okay! Why are you asking like this?" He shook his head and said "Just worried, now a days you don't call me as much as you used to." 

I told him "Earlier I was alone and had only one friend. I hated to disturb you, you are always so busy. Sorry for always nagging you." 

He smiled and said "You are my little sister and the nagging was part of being sister. I am happy you have friends now but still do disturb me. It reminds me that I have a sister. Anyways good night I have a long day tomorrow. I am proposing Anne." 

I was so happy for him. I said "Wow! Don't forget to share pictures with me and I will surely remember to disturb you more."

With that I called it a night finally. 

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