Part 35

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After getting freshen up and changing, I came down to see only dad. He said "Wane left for office. He said he will be late in the evening so he will see you tomorrow. I am also going to office, see you later than." 

I nodded and dad left. I texted Wane "You left without saying good bye!"

He replied minutes later "Sorry had things to take care in the office. I will see you tomorrow. Don't wait for me at night I have a busy schedule today." 

I replied back "Sure!" After that neither he replied or I texted back. I then went back to my room and watched Gossip Girls. 

After about binge watching for four hours, I had dinner and called it a night as I had nothing better to do.

After few hours of sleeping I woke up as my phone rang, I thought it was Wane so answered without looking "Hey! You here?" 

I heard the reply "What? It's me Ryan! Happy Birthday! Ellie, Gary and me are waiting in the garden come fast." I said "Thank you! Give me five minutes I will change and come." 

He said "No come fast, we are also in our night wear. Come in next 10 seconds." I disconnected the call and went down without changing. 

I opened the door and went out towards the garden. The garden was completely different from what I saw few hours ago.

It was decorated by colorful fairy lights, lights hanging and colorful ribbons hanging on tree and balloons. 

I was not able to see anyone there and went inside the garden area. Out of no where I heard many people singing

"Happy Birthday!" Then from behind trees came out "Ryan, Ellie, Gary, Ross and his wife, Jake and Ellie, Dad, Jeremy and lastly came with a cake in his hand my boy Wane." 

Everyone hugged and wished me. Wane kept the cake on the table and then came and hugged me.

He said "Happy Birthday beautiful!" Thank God they all were actually wearing pajama. 

After that dad said "Come on cut the cake! Old man needs his sleep." I laughed and then cut the cake.

After that everyone gave me gifts. I thanked them and we all clicked pictures. After we were done clicking pictures, Wane disappeared. 

After about an hour of talking and eating mid night snacks, Ryan said "We will go now, See you tomorrow afternoon for lunch." With him left Ellie, Gary and Jeremy. 

Ross also left after informing me "Bye I am on leave tomorrow as whole day someone or the other is with you and you are not going anywhere alone. Bye happy birthday once again." 

After they all left Jake and Anne left too saying they will meet me for breakfast with dad. Dad and I went in and called it a night.

I was so pissed at Wane, was work so important that he left on my birthday. Even Jeremy stayed, couldn't he do this much for me. 

I went in my room and as soon as I entered the lights were on automatically. I looked inside and my room now decorated completely. On the knee in front of my bed sat Wane. 

As soon as I entered he said "I have known you for years, but actually got to know you in this few months. At first it was all fake for you but real for me. I was always trying to make you fall for me and finally you fell and I became the happiest man alive. You know no one can be satisfied for too long, for a long time I wanted you to be my girlfriend and then one day you became my girlfriend. But now that you are my girlfriend I am still not satisfied, I want more. So Ms. Samantha Colton can you do me a favor and satisfy me by being my fiancee? I will not ask you to marry me just yet, now I want you to be my fiancee and in few months or year you can satisfy me by being my wife. So until you become my wife, please be my fiancee." 

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