Part 30

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As I was unlocking the door and I whispered to myself "I just hope so he is not sleeping naked like last time." Ryan laughed and said "Oh my God! Are you having dirty thoughts about my brother?" I hit him and told him to be quiet.

Ryan went in and checked if he was covered. Ryan gave us a thumps up and we went in. Ryan drew on Wane's right arm and Ellie on his left, whereas I on his face. After we were done making him look funny, I clicked his picture. 

Then we came down and it was already 4:30 in the morning so we planned to crash at Wane's place only. We made instant noodles as we were hungry.

After that we went to the other room where Ryan used to stay and watched a movie. While watching movie I guess we all fall asleep. 

In the morning I got up hearing loud noise of something falling and got up. The other two were sleeping so peacefully, I guess I am a light sleeper. 

I went out from where the noise came and inside Wane's room. He was on the floor. Shit did he slip? I rushed and saw him struggling to get up. He slipped due to a marker pen. 

I helped him and thank god he was wearing a boxer this time. He asked me shocked "What are you doing here? Where did this marker come from?" 

I told him "I don't know let me help you up." I helped him get up and helped him sit on the bed. I asked him "Is it paining?" 

He asked me "As if you care." I shouted at him "You are doing it again! I do care, why are you being grumpy towards me since past one week." 

He said "I need to pee!" He then got up and went towards the bathroom limping. A minute later I heard him scream "You are so dead Sam!" If I was in a mood like last night I would have laughed and played around.

But here I was sitting on his bed and crying. He came out and as soon as he saw I was crying sat down beside me and asked "What happened? I am sorry! Please stop crying, I can't see your tears."

I cried and asked him "Then why were you mean to me? I was already sad because of me you got hurt." He hugged me and said "I am okay and its not paining, please don't cry. I won't be mean sorry."

I asked him "Promise!" He nodded and asked me "So now tell me what are you doing here?" I told him "We wanted to play a prank on you, so we came here around 3:45 am and drew on your face and arms."

He laughed and said "This was an amazing idea monster, where are other two?" I told him "Next room! Probably sleeping." 

He said "Come on! Lets do the same with them too. I will draw on Ryan's face and you draw on Ellie's, what say?" I giggled and agreed.

After drawing on their faces we came down and Wane as usual made food for me. After about 30 minutes both Ryan and Ellie came down shouting at me for being a traitor. I gave them food and then they stopped complaining.

Ryan told Wane "Hey you have to help us in our group assignment. We are making physics project on mechanism of car." Wane asked "Who are we?" 

Ryan told him "Me, Ellie, your girlfriend and Gary." Wane asked me "Is Gary that Seth guy?" I nodded and Wane said "I am not helping." 

Ellie said "Stop being jealous, I don't want to fail in this assignment so you are helping us." Wane rolled his eye and asked her "Who are you to order me around?" 

Ellie said "If you don't help me I will take away Sam with me and like I did when you were fighting I will do it again and not let you two talk for a month." 

God Ellie sounded dangerous and damn serious. I laughed looking at Wane's face, I guess this has never happened to him. Ryan laughed and said "Wow! That was so cool. Now I know why we are best friends." 

Wane rolled his eye and said "I am only helping for Sam, coz I don't want her to fail. This does not mean that I am afraid of your blackmailing." 

I pulled Wane's cheeks and said "How cute!" Before he could reply Ryan said "Before they get more lovely dovely let's go Ellie." 

I stopped them "Why are you leaving me and going?" Ryan said "I thought you two want to spend the day together as he is free too today." 

Wane said "Okay you two go, I will drop her later." I told him "But I need to change too. I am in a t-shirt and shorts." They both waved and left. Wane said "You are looking cute. Come on lets talk. I wanted to ask you something." 

We both sat down on the couch and he asked "So you decided which college you are going to apply for?" 

I told him "I had a talk with dad, he wants me to study business. According to him, I am a sole heir of his business so I should help him take the business forward. He suggested if I want to study fashion along with it, I can take summer courses of it. One day I can expand his business in fashion industry too is what he wants."

Wane asked "So what have you decided? What you want?" I told him "If mom was here I would have gone to Paris but I know dad wants me to stay close so I am planning to apply here only in New York." 

He said "Okay! I to did not wanted you to go far away. But if you have wanted to do it, if it made you happy then I would have fully supported you. I love you Sam and I mean it."

I nodded not knowing what to say. He looked into my eyes and said "Sam I need words baby! Please don't nod." 

I told him "Wane I do love you! But its just that I think you should explore. What if you find someone better? Why are you so stuck on your first love? What if me being immature always cause a fight between us?" 

He asked me "Will you be able to see me with someone else? When you found out I love someone you reached hospital without even knowing who it was. If you saw me with someone else will you be able to live?" 

I just stared at him and he continued "Because I can't see you with anyone else. I don't want to let you go. You are my ray of happiness. I am not stuck on my first love, I know I can love only you so I am just stuck on you. I liked you when we were kids but now after knowing you, talking to you and even while fighting to you I realized that I used to like you but now I love you."

I told him "I don't know what to say Wane." He told me "Then don't say anything Sam just let me love you. Don't stop me from doing it baby please." 

I nodded and said "Can I go home now? I need some time to think." He nodded and said "Wait let me get changed and then I will drop you off." 

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