Part 37

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After about 8 hours I finally decided I have to get out of here and I will. I took a deep breath and said to myself "Okay Sam you can do it. You have hydrophobia because of kidnapping, now if you want to be safe you have to get out of here. Wane saved you once now it's you who have to save yourself. Use Wane's idea and jump. Look the man lied water is not deed. Come on you can do it Sam."

I then took a deep breath forgetting their is a water and just jumped out of the window. "Splash" came the noise and I was right the man lied, my feet are touching the water.

It was dark, I guess it's late night and the men are sleeping thinking I won't escape. What a fool!

I did it, I am standing in water and not getting any panic attack. I knew I could do it. I so wanted to shout and tell everyone I am not afraid of water, see I am in water.

I looked up and said "Look Krystle I conquered my phobia. I did the only thing from wish list which I thought I could never do."

I heard someone say "I never thought you would actually do it, it was just a bait." I looked shocked and asked the man standing in the dark "Is it you Wane?"

He nodded and said "Yes! Sorry about all this. I did not make this plan to make you conquer your fear and I never even thought you would jump. We just found this house thinking you will never jump or run away until your father or I could explain you what we were planning. Thank God I was here in time or you would have ruined our whole plan. Come out and get changed in your room upstairs there are some clothes. Then come down I brought dinner for you. We will eat and then I will explain everything."

I did as I was told, I went up, dried myself, changed and came down. One man was sitting on the couch, other two on the door and two more on the main gate. Wane had set up the table for us, he brought Mexican food for me.

I asked him while eating "What is going on?" I was so hungry, when the men brought food I rejected but now that Wane is here I can eat happily.

He told me "These are all our people. They are from Ross's company and Ross's most trusted men. There will always be this six men in the house guarding and protecting you. You can talk to them properly tomorrow. From tomorrow until next four to five days none of us can directly contact you. Once in a day your dad, Ross or I will talk to you from the guards phone."

I nodded and asked him "But why all this?" He asked "Remember I had appointed investigators and detective to keep an eye on my mom?"

I nodded and he continued "I don't know how but my mother found out that your father is leaving you alone here and going. She started planning your abduction. The detective informed me about it and I told your father to take you with him. I am sorry I was only thinking about your safety."

He then continued "Your dad made this plan and I told him I know the best place we can keep you. This is my maternal grand parents house, my mother and I used to stay here when she first brought me to New York. Now it's registered owner's name is Amanda Scoot. We will create such circumstances that she will come here and get caught with you and be imprisoned for your kidnapping. If she gets arrested in court our lawyers can open the old case of our kidnapping and there we can somehow try to get justice for my father too. If she gets convicted for my father's murder she can be given life imprisonment too. She will be gone from our life forever."

I said "Why did you not tell me earlier about it?"

He told me "It was just between your father, Ross, my head detective and me. Before coming here I had to tell Jeremy and I guess your father might have told Jake by now. We even kept this a secret from Jake and Jeremy. We did not tell anyone so that it all looked real. We don't want to have any loop holes in our plan. Here use this phone for some days but don't use any of your social media or contact anyone. I don't want you to be tracked so turn off your phone, I will tell the boys to turn off the jammer too."

I nodded and did as I was told. He told me "Don't text me or your father too. There are chances our phones may be tapped. I want your safety first so please just listen to me this last time after this we will forever be free of that witch."

I laughed and Wane asked "Why are you laughing?"

I told him "You called her witch just in front of Jeremy and in front of me it was always mother. For the first time you called her witch while talking to me."

He patted my head and said "I have to leave, I need to sneak into my house without getting caught. See you super soon. Bye." He kissed me before leaving.

After he left my new phone's network was visible so I thought about reading news. As I could not use Instagram or anything else.

I opened the city news. First article was about me, dad and Wane. It was about Wane declaring his love and being open about his relationship. The same day his girlfriend got kidnapped and she is none other than famous business man Albert Colton's daughter. They also stated that the blame is on Wane's mother. I guess this was dad or Wane's doing. I just hope so this all come to end super soon.

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