Part 6

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There I was outside my dad's door. I knocked on his door and he said "Come in." I said "Hey dad! Thanks for the car, I loved it. How was your trip here?" 

He smiled faintly and said "It was good! I am happy to see you are liking it here." I smiled and said "I am! Dad you look a bit stressed all okay?" He nodded and said "Its just I am getting old. I am tired nothing to worry." 

I knew he was worried about something but not telling me so I can be happy. I am going to find out. I nodded and said "If you say so! Anyways I am going to Jake's room, see you during dinner." 

He nodded and I went to Jake's room. He was on the phone, talking smilingly. Surely Anne. I said "Hey Anne! I wish you could have come. I would have a girl company." Jake saw me and put the phone on speaker. 

"Hey Sam I wish! But I did not get off from work. Maybe next time. I will hang up now, you all enjoy." I said "Okay bye!" Jake said "Bye! I will call you later at night." 

Jake then disconnected and I asked him "I know dad is worried about something. What is it? Don't you dare lie."

Jake said "I know he is worried, I saw that expression too but I don't know the reason. I am trying to find out too." 

I said "If you find out please tell me, promise me you will not hide it from me." He nodded and said "Okay now lets go for dinner. Lets try to cheer sir up." I moved out and he followed me. I asked him "So where is the dinner?" 

He said "Ms. Amanda planned it, I tried to tell her no but she did not listen. Its near the pool. I am sorry." I said "Its okay we are not going in water it is just near it. I am sure I will be okay." 

He nodded and we were waiting outside for everyone. Ryan, Bryan and dad were already here.

I said to no one is particular "Hey!" Ryan said "Hey! I just heard mom planned a pool side dinner. Knowing mom it would be amazing." 

Dad was shocked and said "Let's change it! I am not too comfortable around water." I told him "Dad you will be fine." Then I whispered in his ear "I can do it! One day I have to do it, so why not now?" 

He nodded and I saw Bryan looking at us cautiously. As if he is trying to read our minds.

Dad said "If that's what you kids want then we will do that only." Minutes after Amanda was down with Rachel. She said "Sorry! I had to get this girl ready too." 

When she said this girl, she sounded a bit rude. Was it actually rude or am I thinking too much?

Anyways after that we all went pool side. I was uncomfortable would be an understatement. I stayed away from water as much as I could. 

I don't know what was wrong with Bryan but he was still looking at me. Was I looking weird or did I do something? I mean I wasn't even acting too uncomfortable and tried to be myself. I was just staying away from water. 

Anyways I ignored his stares. I heard Amanda say "I ordered Thai and Chinese cuisine. If you all want something else you are free to order." Bryan said "I want burrito and taco. I am craving Mexican." 

My favorite. I said "I love it too, I want the same." Amanda glared at Bryan and smilingly said "Sure why not. Jake can you go and order."

I saw a waiter was already standing near our table. Why can't she just tell him to get it.

Jake said "Sure Ms. Amanda!" He was about to get up when I said "Jake sit back down! There is a waiter already standing just tell him what we want. Ms. Amanda I request you to not order Jake around. He is family and here on vacation too." 

Amanda said fake smilingly "Sorry dear I did not notice a waiter here." She was being mean to Jake, I had seen how she was with us all and how she was with Jake. Dad has never treated Jake in that way, who is she to treat him like a helper or butler. 

After that the whole dinner was quiet, mostly Ryan, Rachel and me were the only one talking. Dad asked a few questions to Bryan and Ryan about what they are studying and what job does Bryan do.

Ryan was a high schooler just like me, whereas Bryan said he has some start up company, relating to engineering work.

After dinner Amanda said "Come on desserts will be here shortly in mean time, we can just dip our legs in pool  and sit. I have read its good and relaxing."

Dad said "No! I am okay here only you all can go and sit. I will just turn my chair and talk from here."

Amanda looked a bit pissed Bryan said "I am also staying, I am too lazy to get up." 

Ryan nodded and hence no one sat by the pool. I was happy, I mean indirectly Bryan has helped me twice today. Once when he ordered Mexican, because I was actually craving it and now. 

Ryan asked Jake "How long have you been with them?" Jake said "I have know Sir for more than 15 years, he paid my school and college fee. I started working with him when I turned 18 and that's when I met Sam." 

Ryan nodded, after that I asked dad "Dad can I go back to my room? I am not in mood for dessert and kind of sleepy."

Dad said "Okay! You can, you must be tired because of all the travelling. Good Night see you in the morning. We will be going hiking." 

Dad then turned towards Jake and said "Drop her back to her room and be back soon for desserts." Jake got up when Bryan said "I was about to leave, Jake you can wait I will accompany her."

I looked at him confused, why was he being so nice all of the sudden. Jake asked me "Will you be okay?"

I nodded and wished everyone "Good night! See you all in the morning." Bryan without a word followed me.

While walking he asked me "Can I talk to you after you have changed and freshen up?" I asked him "What do you want to talk about? You can talk now."

He nodded and said "Wait for me in your room, I need to get something from my room to show you." 

After we reached I went to my room, leaving the door open and checked my phone. There was a message from Krystle. "Tell that dork that I hate him, he left me. You know I told him I liked him and next day without replying he left for DC." 

I was shocked, this is the first time she told me that she liked someone. I asked her "I guess you are right, he is a dork if he did that. You want me to ignore him?"

I mean I know Krystle only for a year but we were actually close. We talked about so many things, she is the only one with whom I talk about my mother. 

I was staring at my phone when there was a knock on my door and I saw Bryan. When he saw, he had my attention he asked "Waiting for someone special's call or message?" 

I shook my head and said "Tell me what you want to tell. I am actually sleepy." He said "If you want I can tell tomorrow, it may take time." I shook my head and said "No tell me, I can control my sleep." 

He asked me "Do you know how to read contract? Will you understand what is written in it?" I said "I know a bit, but I am still learning. Jake said he will teach me soon. The file in your hand is a contract? What is in it?" 

He said "It's a copy of contract between mother and your dad. Read it, I am going I have some work to complete. Call me when you are done. My number is on the last page of the contract." I nodded. 

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