Part 20

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I was shocked to see Wane, then I remembered that he had a meeting with dad today. He had told me last night. I did not wanted our first meet to be like this. I was more shocked when I heard that he was a trustee. 

Ellie whispered and asked me "That trustee is totally into you." I whispered back to her "He is friend, we met on tinder." She laughed and asked "You serious?" 

I smiled and nodded. Jake asked me "You okay now?" I nodded and said "I am much better now with you and dad here I am know I will be safe." He said "You scared us. If sir would not have been around I might have had panic attack." 

I smiled and said "Thank you for coming so soon. Anyways she is Ellie my new friend and Ellie he is my brother." She waved. Jake said "I will go in, will you be okay alone?" 

I nodded and said "Yes Ellie is here with me." He left and I asked Ellie "Hey you said that same happened to you? You okay now?" 

She said "Yes! I don't like talking about it much but I will tell you. I along with my friends we went to beach on our last day of school last year. I trusted them so much but little did I know that I was just their puppet always. I never was part of their friend circle. The boys of the group raped me. My parents blamed me for what happened. I alone fought for my justice. Right now all the boys who raped me are in Juvenile Detention Centre. I left my parents and moved from Miami to here. I now stay with my grand parents who were with me and never blamed me."

I hugged her and said "You know you are the strongest person I have ever met. I know you will never trust anyone after this, if I would have been in your place I too would have not trusted people. I promise you that I will be there for you if you ever need me."

She smiled and said "I know! Looking at you I can tell that I could trust you. I wish I would have found you earlier, I could have saved you from that trauma." 

I said "Its okay! You were there with me when I needed you the most. I don't know what I would have done until my father came if you would have not been here." 

She said "So tell me about this trustee guy more." I said "He is just a friend and I have a boyfriend." She asked me "Seriously? Then where is he now when he should have been by your side?" 

I told her "He does not know it. He is not from school. He is seven year older than me and his brother is in our school but he is in DC, will come back on Wednesday. If his brother would have been here this would not have happened and even if it happened then he would have called Bryan." 

She nodded and said "There is still so much we need to know about each other. Its all so confusing. Lets deal with this Evan first." 

Wane came out and asked "Hey! You need anything?" I nodded my head shyly and looked here and there. I was too shy, I knew we would meet one day but today was too early. Ellie said "Hey I am Elizabeth and I am her new friend." 

He shook hand with her and said "I am Wane Scoot and I am a trustee of this school." I shyly asked him "When I told you my school name why did you not tell me then that you were a trustee?" 

He said "I will tell later! I have so many more things to tell you." I nodded and said "I am sorry I spoiled your big day." 

He told me "Beautiful you did nothing wrong and I am happy I was there and could help you." I smiled and finally looked at him and said "When will you stop calling me that? I am not so beautiful." 

He smiled and said "Then you are blind! You are beautiful and I am calling you that forever." I blushed to it and Ellie said "Will you two stop flirting and Sir sorry to tell you but she is taken and she has a boyfriend."

Wane smilingly said "I know! I am just calling her beautiful." I asked him shocked "But I never told you about my boyfriend. How do you know it?" He said "I told you we have a lot to talk about. Right now Mr. Horn is here, I will deal with his bastard of a son." 

I rolled my eye and said "I told you so many times not to abuse people, why do you abuse them." Mr. Horn said "Mr. Scoot! I am so disappointed in you. I made you a trustee and you are after my son." 

Wane angrily said "I paid for being a trustee and I don't let anyone disrespect woman, specially if they try to molest a girl." 

Mr. Horn ignoring him went inside and I said "Shit he is Scoot, how could I forget that maybe he is Bryan's cousin." Ellie asked "What?" 

Wane before going in said "No I am not Bryan's cousin." I was so fucking confused. 

Ellie said "This is all so confusing." I nodded and said "I am also so confused." As I was about to sit down the door again opened and Wane came out and said "Ryan wants to talk to you. Your phone is unreachable."

I gave him what the fuck look. I took his phone and before Ryan could say anything asked him "What the fuck is going on why are you calling on Wane Scoot's no.? How do you know him? How do you know he is in school with me?" 

He said "He will tell you everything later on! First tell me are you okay? I am so going to kill that bastard when I am back." 

I shouted "Will you stop abusing! You know I don't like such language. I am okay now, he just kissed me and tried to grope me but I kicked him and ran away. Jake has thought me few self defense techniques. Now please tell me what is going on. How do you know Wane?" 

He said "Bye dad is calling me! I will call you back later." 

He then disconnected the call and I saw the blank phone screen. I pressed the home button to start the phone but it was locked. I so hate them, the lock screen picture was Wane's picture which I liked a lot. 

Ellie laughed and said "Your life is so confusing. I am so going to have fun solving all this puzzles." I weakly smiled but kept looking at the picture. I asked Ellie "Do you have a photo editing app on your phone where we could add wig, change eye color and skin tone?" 

She said "I don't have but we can install it. Here!" She said passing me her phone. I installed the app. I said "Okay now we need to download Wane's picture from internet." 

She asked me "Is he famous?" I nodded and said "He is one of the most eligible bachelor of NYC." I was done downloading his picture and opened the editing app.

Ellie asked me "Why are you editing his picture?" I said "One minute I think I know him. Let me add wig first. Curly hair done. Now specks like Harry Potter, done, eye color change and lastly let me add braces to his teeth and done." 

I saved the image to see the outcome of the picture. When we saved the picture and I saw the picture I was more shocked was he played me. "Shit how could I be so naive! All this time he was in front of me and still I could not guess." 

Ellie asked me "What are you saying?" I showed her the picture and said "This is Bryan!"  

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