Part 16

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It's been a month since Krystle's death and finally today school is reopening. I don't think school will be the same without Krystle.

I went to school early as I wanted to see Krystle's wish list. 

I finally opened her locker and took all her things and transferred it into mine, the office lady helped me clean as she wanted to allot it to other student. 

There was not much, just few books and her gym uniform. Inside a book was an envelope. I opened and read it. It had the things to do when in senior year.

1 Join club which we never did
2 Go on a road trip 
3 Take a trip with your best friend to some other country
4 Do a prank on a teacher
5 Apply for college and get in it.
6 Bunk school for one day
7 Ride bike to school
8 Go ice skating
9 Tattoo and piercing 
10 Hair coloring
11 Say yes more often
12 pull an all nighter
13 sleepover with all your friends
14 Take polaroid 
15 Go out of your comfort zone
16 Leave your name somewhere in school
17 Go to prom
18 Go on a spring break vacation
19 Grab a lunch with a long lost or new friend
20 Forgive an old grudge
21 Conquer a fear
22 Go camping
23 Start your own tradition
24 Have a food fight
25 Do a senior photo shoot with your best friend
26 Go on a double date with your best friend

Okay that's a lot! I will have to complete it now alone. I kept the list safely back in my locker and went to my first class. 

It was math and I absolutely hated it. I don't know why we have first class as math. I wish the teacher is better than our last year's teacher. In school no one knows that I am Albert Colton's daughter and I am happy about it.

The teacher entered and said "Good morning everyone? How were your vacation?" Everyone randomly said "Good! Amazing! Boring! Etc." I was quiet the whole time.

The teacher said "I have two news for you all. First one is your dear classmate Krystle Brown passed away due to cancer. Many of you might know but lets pray for her sole to rest in peace for a minute." 

Everyone silently closed their eye and prayed for her. Then the teacher continued "We have a new student he will be here any minute." 

As she was talking, all I did was scribble in my notebook. I was so not interested in the class. I miss Krystle so much, if she was here we both would have been passing notes and talking now. I looked at her empty seat and a tear fell from my eye.

The new student entered and the teacher said "Please introduce yourself, many of them might be knowing you but for those who don't." The student said "Hello! I am Ryan Hall an ex student of this school." 

I looked up finally not believing my ears and saw it really was him. He was looking around and then finally noticed me and asked the teacher "Can I take a seat?"

The teacher nodded and he made his way towards me and sat in Krystle's empty seat.

He waved at me and asked "You were crying again? I thought after a week we promised Krystle we will never cry and live happily as she would have wanted."

I shook my head and asked "What are you doing here? Didn't you go back to DC?" 

He nodded and whispered "I could not have left you alone. Specially after reading Krystle's letter. After we went back to DC I could not stay there. It felt like I will lose another friend if I stayed there. I was close to many people in school but not as close as I was with Krystle and then you. I came back for you last night and took admission last week. I wanted to surprise you." 

I was crying by now. He stood up and said "Mrs. Vince can we please go to nurse room? Ms. Colton here is not feeling well."

She looked at my face and said "Sure you may! If you want you can call your parents to fetch you from school." 

I nodded and Ryan said "I will take her and if required call her elder brother." The teacher let us out and instead of going to the nurse room, Ryan dragged me out.

He told me "We are skipping the school. Where do you want to go?" 

I shook my head and said "Are you mad? It's just first day and we are already bunking. I don't want to get in trouble." 

He said "You won't fall in trouble for missing classes just one day, we are meeting after almost a month. We need to talk and you need to stop crying. Look at you, you are becoming thinner day by day. You know everyone is so worried for you. Bryan, your dad, Jake and me." 

I shook my head and said "I am not becoming thinner, I look the same. Anyways where do you suggest we go?" 

He smiled and said "Surely not in any public place in school uniform or else everyone will know we bunked. How about my place? I am sure Bryan might have left for work so it will be just us. Did you bring your own car? I brought mine, you can come with me."

I shook my head and said "No a driver dropped me. I will inform Jake not to send a driver to pick me up. Lets go!"

On our way Ryan told me that Rachel and his dad are going to move back to NYC soon. The construction of their new house is in process until then he is staying with Bryan.

He also told me that since last month he and Bryan have grown close and actually bonded well as brothers, which they never were in past years. 

Finally after 20 minutes we reached a building and Ryan told me "Bryan lives in a penthouse. You know its so amazing and has a beautiful scene. You will love the place. Oh I forgot you are his girlfriend you might have been here many times."

I just shook my head and said "No he never brought me here." And followed him.

We went up and he unlocked the door. He led me towards the living room and said "Wait I will get us something to drink. What do you want? We have Coke? Water? Fruit juice?"

"Just water for now. Anyways his place is nice." I said while looking around. As I was looking around I saw a room door open and walked out Bryan. He looked at me and gave a confused look. 

He came down and Ryan looked at him and asked "You did not leave for work yet? I thought you left." Bryan told him "I over slept and got late, I was about to leave. What are you two doing here? Bunking school?"

Ryan nodded and said "Yes we met after a month and I wanted to have brother in law and sister in law time with Sam." Bryan just smiled and said "Okay enjoy I will leave now." 

Ryan asked him "You serious? You tow seriously are couple? You two did not hug, kissed or even talked to each other. If my girlfriend would have come to my place for the first time I would show her around and specially my room." 

Bryan said "Sam does not like PDA, she is introvert and about showing place my room is messed up so I will show her next time. I want her to see my clean side and not dirty side. She will scold me for keeping my room a mess. She likes clean rooms." 

Ryan rolled his eye and said "Whatever! I think you are giving each other silent treatment. I guess lovers quarrel. I won't interfere, but still I think I would be too excited to show my girl around. You two are weird!"

I got up and hugged Bryan and said "Its okay! Ignore him, I know you are in a hurry. You can show me next time. Bye!"

Bryan hugged me back, kissed my forhead, to which I felt tingling on the part where he kissed. 

He looked into my eyes and asked "Have you been crying?" I shook my head but Ryan said "Yes! She was crying and hence I had to drag her here. I am going to change, this school uniform is too uncomfortable, you deal with your girl." 

With that Ryan left me alone with Bryan. I felt his eye never leaving my face and I kept looking here and there to avoid him. 

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