Part 34

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A months passed by, everything was going good between Wane and I. We both are still a virgin, it's not like we are not ready but Wane wants to take things slow.

A month left until we finish our school life forever. 

About my friends, Ellie is still single but I have seen some spark between her and Jeremy. Whereas Ryan, he is still crushing over Gary who is now our good friend. He now knows about me and Wane too. 

I still have a bodyguard but now the only time I have him is when I am going somewhere alone.

Wane's mother is still on loose and I haven't heard much about her from Wane.

Sometimes when I ask him about her all he says is "You don't worry about her. I am their to worry about her. All you have to do is keeping loving me forever." 

About our wish list it is almost complete except few things like going on trip and related task, conquering fear, going on a double or group date and last day of school pictures, leaving name. 

We went to prom and had a blast, after which we went clubbing and were completely washed out. For which I was scolded badly by Wane.

We all even got a tattoo or our choice. Mine is matching tattoo with Wane. We had written "Promise" on our little finger. It is a promise to be with each other forever.

Here I am sitting in my last class staring at my tattoo. Ryan asked me "You seriously moving in with Wane?"

I nodded and whispered back "Yes dad is going for few months to LA, he wanted me to come with him as he was worried I will be alone. I did not wanted to go and cried a lot last night, then Wane asked my dad's permission to let me stay with him. And here I finally get to stay."

He said "Thank God! Now we all will be in same city during our spring break." I asked him "Did you decide your place?" 

Oh right I forgot to tell you all. We changed the trip a bit, so here we are planning a trip to different places all around Europe of everyone's choice. 

Ryan asked "How about Spain, Portugal and Belgium? I have it all planned we can complete it in 7 days." I nodded and Gary said "Perfect!" 

The one who is going to manage when we will go where and book tickets was Ellie she said "Okay then give me a day I will check the maps and travelling mode and cost." We nodded and she started writing.

Ellie: Finland, Sweden and Norway
Gary: Germany and Czech Republic
Sam: UK and Ireland
Jeremy: Greece and Turkey
Wane: France and Italy
Ryan: Spain, Portugal and Belgium

I said "We are still missing on so many places. Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, and so many more."

Ellie said "Europe is so big obviously we are going to miss many things. We can't complete the whole tour in just one month. Your boyfriend can't afford to miss more than 30 days of work. He needs to earn money to feed Sam."

I rolled my eyes and they all laughed. They love to make fun of me, it sometimes pisses me off but then again one day they are all going to have someone too and then I will get my revenge. 

Ellie asked "So when are you going to move?" I told her dad is leaving next week so the day before dad leave, I will shift." She smiled and said "I am sure before our exam you will no more be a virgin." 

I rolled my eyes and said "Want to bet about it? I am sure I am not losing my virginity anytime soon. Specially not before our exams."

She laughed and said "I bet $1000 that you will lose it." I smilingly said "Okay then! The bet is on!" 

Soon the school was over and we went home. I saw Wane's car parked outside. I went in and saw Wane and dad engrossed in deep conversation.

I went in and declared my presence. "Hey my old men! I am back home. What are you two still doing here?" 

Dad looked up and said "Hey! Can we talk to you for five minutes if you are not in hurry." I nodded and said "Sure dad! What happened?" 

Dad told me "Jake and I are leaving tonight and as planned Anne will come next week as she has to wrap her work here."

I nodded and said "Okay then Anne can stay here with me for a week and when she leaves I will move too."

Dad shook his head and said "Anne is going to stay with her parents because after this week for months she will also be not back and wants to spend time with her parents. I request Wane that you two stay here only, we have maids and guards around, you will not be alone at home. At Wane's place if he is in office, you will be bored and right now he stays in a bachelors pad. He can keep a maid, butler and guard but for their accommodation he will not have a place. If he goes out of NYC for work, you will be alone and you can't stay alone I know that. It will be easier for you as Ryan and Ellie stay close from here. So he agreed and he is moving here tonight. I showed him around our place and gave him a room beside your room." 

I nodded and said "Okay! But can't you go day after? It's my birthday tomorrow."

Dad shook his head and said "I have to go, I knew it was your birthday and hence booked an afternoon flight. Don't go to school tomorrow, I will spend the morning with you. We can go out for breakfast." 

I nodded and dad asked us "When are you planning to make your relationship public? Its been around year now you two have been dating, don't you think its high time you tell people." Wane said "I am okay to tell people whenever Sam is ready." 

I nodded and said "Yes! I am okay too, I have no problem its just that what if school authority have problem? I mean a trustee and student in relationship?" 

Dad said "Why can't trustee and student be in a relationship? Trustee's son can be in school so why can't his other half? It isn't like you are using Wane for grades, your grades are same as last year but now they are only going down. If you were in a relationship for grades they should have improved and not degraded." 

Wane laughed and I stared at him to shut up and asked dad "Are you trying to make fun of me?"

Dad laughed and said "I just stated the facts. Last year you at least got B+ but this year it's C or C-. At this rate I think you will start failing next year. Luckily we have money and you can get admission in any college here." 

Wane said "Sir is right! Why don't you study? Ryan, Gary and Ellie all are straight A student. Don't you feel bad about getting lower grades then them?"

I shook my head and said "No I am happy for my friends. I wish I could drop out to school, I hate to study." 

Dad scolded me "If you don't clear your final exam, I promise I will make you repeat the whole school year and all your friends will enjoy college." 

More than me Wane looked frightened and said "Sir I will make sure she studies. She will pass for sure."

Dad said "Don't you dare Wane abuse your power and pass her. Make her study! I know my daughter very well, she will make that puppy dog eyes and beg you to pass her. Promise you will not fall in her trap." 

I shouted "You think so little of me. I am so hurt dad." Dad said "See those puppy dog eyes, baby I have known you for 19 years now, this won't work on me." I stated "I am still not 19." 

Dad gave a sarcastic smile and said "You will be 19 tomorrow. Now shoo! Go and change! I need to talk to Wane." 

I asked him "What do you want to talk more about? I want to hear too." Dad laughed and said "I am giving him the talk and instructions about not impregnating my daughter." 

I rolled my eyes and said "Bye!" I ran up to my room and heard them laugh as I left.


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