Part 24

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After the game we all called it night and went to our tents to sleep. Ellie and me in one tent and Wane, Ryan and Jeremy in other.

After almost an hour I was still unable to sleep, so I took out my phone and scrolled through Instagram.

I then posted a group picture of us from today tagging everyone except of Wane as he was dressed like Bryan and Bryan has no IG handle. As soon as I posted the picture seconds later Wane texted me on IG "Still up?"

I replied "Unable to sleep! Why are you up?" He said "Same here! Meet me outside I have something to tell you." I replied with an okay and went out.

Wane also came out the same time and asked "Want to take a walk?" I nodded and asked him "But you wanted to tell me something right?"

He nodded and said "Yes! Lets sit on the bench away from here. I don't want us to be disturbed by Ryan or Jeremy they are both awake."

I told him "But Ellie is alone and I can't leave her alone here. I can't tell the reason but she will be afraid."

He said "I will tell Ryan and Jeremy to sit outside their tent and play PUBG on their phone. If she wakes up they can inform her." I nodded and said "Okay but we will be back soon."

He nodded and went inside his tent to inform the boys. He came out with a jacket in his hand and said "Use my jacket its cold outside." He then placed the jacket on me and I wore it properly.

We walked to a distant bench and sat down. I asked him "Now tell me what it is?"

He said "Promise me you will hear me out first and then react. No disturbing in between." I nodded and promised him.

He continued "Remember when I told you about me getting kidnapped?"

I nodded and he told me "I wasn't the only one in that room. There was this little girl, she was around 5-6 year old. She came in that room a day after me. I did not know much about her then, but she was so innocent, cute and beautiful yet so fragile. She cried the whole night for her mother. I hugged her the whole night, calming her and finally next day we became friends and she had stopped crying. She was the only happiness in that dark room. I so wanted to get out from their not just for me but for her. She was so scared all the time, specially whenever someone entered that room. I tried really hard to find a way out and finally found a window from where we could have gone out. Little did I know that I had only endangered her life instead of saving her."

I asked him "You were just a child then you could not have done anything. What happened to her?"

He told me "I somehow climbed that window and saw a village on the other side. But what I did not see because of my small height was that in between the village and the house there was a sea. I helped her climb and asked her to jump and then did the same myself. We both had drown in the sea, but a villager saved us is all I know. I woke up in a hospital with polices and doctors around me. When I asked about the girl, I got to know that she was safe too and her parents took her. After that I tried my best to find her for years. After turning 18, I started earning money and travelled a lot to LA to find her. I had almost given up on finding her but Jeremy found her by luck. The day I found her was the day I promised Jeremy that I will forget about her and move on. I was a child then but knew she was the girl I will ever love my first love."

I was sad on hearing that he already has someone he loves and said "Its okay you don't have to worry about me. I am okay with you going to your first love." After saying that I ran away from there.

I came to my tent to see Ryan looking scared and Jeremy calming scared Ellie. I asked them "What happened?"

Jeremy still hugging Ellie told me "She woke up shouting and screaming for help. After that she started crying."

I went and hugged her and said "I am sorry I left you alone, its my mistake I should have not left."

After which I started crying too. I told them "I am here now, please you all can leave." After they left, I calmed Ellie.

After she was calm, I cried and told her whatever Wane told me. She said "Ignore him! I will keep him away from you and not let him hurt you anymore."

After sometime we finally called it a night.

Next morning Ellie and I purposely went out late so that I don't have to face Wane. Whenever Wane tried talking to me Ellie came in between and helped me ignore him. I so wanted to cry and scream but I don't want to let him know that I have fallen for him.

After an hour we finally left and the journey back was quiet as both Ellie and I pretended to be sleeping.

Since then I have been avoiding Wane and Jeremy. I even told Ryan not to talk about Wane with me or else I will stop talking with him too.

This has been going on for a month now. Dad and Jake tried talking to me about Wane but I warned them too.

Jeremy texted me daily to let Wane explain but I ignored his text too. There were many text and missed calls from Wane but I haven't opened a single text and left it unread.

Wane tried coming to my place to talk to me but I locked myself in the room.

Jake has proposed to Anne his girlfriend a month ago and next month is his wedding. Being his only family, I am helping him with wedding preparations and have been busy with it.

So in short our happy camping trip turned into a sad trip for me. I guess Wane just came to trip with us so he could tell me all this.

I guess if his mother finds out we broke up she will be on cloud nine. I so want to kill Wane for doing this to me. Why did he give me false hope.

I was writing about my another sad day in my dairy. "Why did you write in your letter Krystle to trust Bryan. See what he did! He broke me completely. I am so missing you now, if you were here I am sure you would have killed him till now for hurting me...."

While I was writing I saw a blood drop on my diary, soon I felt dizzy and black. I guess I fainted.

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