Part 17

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Bryan finally broke the silence and asked me "You sure you are alright? You look pale!"

I nodded my head and said "Its just the sun, its too bright today and we just came from outside and hence I am pale. I am fine now."

He asked again "Then why did you cry?" I shook my head and said "Its nothing, I was lonely at school and was missing Krystle. I am happy to have Ryan around in school."

He nodded and said "Okay! I am ordering Mexican food for you two, have it later."

I nodded and he ordered from a restaurant near his place. After that he said "I will leave now, I have an important meeting today. Bye!" 

After he left, I opened my Instagram and saw few pending messages from Ryan and Wane. I opened Wane's text box and read.

W: Hey! How are you?
W: Hey! Its been a week and you still did not reply all okay?
W: Hey! I am sorry I am texting after a month I was busy with work. I hope all good on you end. I don't know when you will reply. I deleted Tinder after adding you on Insta. 

The last message was send today morning. 

I read news about him last week that he was finally back in city and he even apologized in a press conference for missing the award ceremony.

He told the public that he had an important deal to crack and he was in a place where he had no internet connection and so he could not thank everyone earlier for the love.

I texted him back finally. 

S: Hi! I am good, I am sorry I was busy too with some work. 

After that I saw Ryan coming down from his room and kept my phone aside. After Ryan was down I showed him Krystle's wish list and asked him to help me fulfill it.

He while reading asked me questions regarding things which we can do. "1 Join club! Which club can we join?"

I asked him "How about art or photography? We both are good in it." He nodded and said "Photography! Lets do it! Trip and all we can plan later we have a year to complete it. Lets mark the basic which we can do this month." 

I nodded and he continued. "We completed bunk school today. We did piercing and tattoo we can get soon. Hair coloring done. Lastly lets start saying yes more often. This is all for this month and with time we can decide what more can be done." 

After an hour our food was finally here. I ate and asked Ryan to take me back home as I will also change and then we will go out for movie. 

The day passed by and I was finally back and changed into comfortable clothes. I opened Insta and saw a new message from Wane.

W: Finally! I missed talking to you.

S: Can I ask you something? 

Within seconds he replied.

W: Ask!

S: In your press conference you said you were not in network area then how did you manage to text me that time?

W: I had a family emergency and hence I lied to the media. I like to keep my life private. The day I texted you, I was a bit low and talking to you cheers my mood up. 

S: Okay! I hope nothing serious? 

W: No all okay now. I hope you are okay now, that time you were also sounding low.

S: Yes I am good thanks for asking!!

W: So beautiful what are you doing now? 

S: Nothing just bored so talking to you!!! How was work?

W: Busy as usual. I had an important meeting for which I was late but finally after lots of convincing I was able to crack it. How was your day? School started?

S: Yes today was the first day but I bunked with a friend!!

W: Wow lucky you! The exclamation marks are back, so it means Sam is back too. Happy to have you back girl.

S: Its nothing like that! I sometimes use it sometimes not! 

W: Stop lying by now I know you very well. 

S: Okay! Agreed! Happy now!

W: I will be happy if one day you start trusting me more and start sharing your problems with me.

S: Sure! I will try! Anyways why did you deleted tinder? How will you get someone to hook up with?

W: That was a joke! I got you and I deleted it. 

S: What???

W: Nothing! You were my only match and I used to talk only to you. Now that we are connected on Insta I did not felt the necessity to have Tinder anymore so deleted it. 

S: Okay! I think I should do it too. I haven't used it since the time we connected on Insta and I never even swiped left or right after we connected on Tinder. 

W: That's good to hear! I am happy to know that I am as important to you as you are too me. 
W: Anyways guess what next week I am meeting your father, I have a business meeting with him.

S: Really? 

W: Yes! Your father is planning to invest in automobile industry. At present my company is a leading automobile company so we will discuss the deal soon. If we both agree to the deal, I will be his partner and you and I will get to meet sooner than expected. 
W: You might be home alone now as your father is in LA?

S: I have maids around at home, I am used to it now!!

I was about to tell him I am going to sleep when my phone rang and it was Bryan. I answered. 

S: Hey!

B: If you are free tomorrow lets go out for dinner. Ryan has been nagging me about not caring about you. If he being the closest thinks like that, then others will think too. We need to keep our act real. 

S: Sure! I am free. Time? 

B: 7 is it okay with you?

S: Sure no problem!

B: What were you doing now? 

S: Nothing! Just scrolling down on Insta! What about you?

B: Just got back and was having dinner. 

S: Okay then you enjoy your food. I have school tomorrow I will sleep now! Good night!

B: Good night! 

After that I disconnected the call. I saw a new Insta notification message from Wane.

W: Okay! I also live alone so I am used to it too!

S: Okay! I will sleep now! Bye! Good Night!

I kept my phone aside without looking at his reply. 

After that I went down, had my dinner. Wrote in my diary about the day, which I have started writing after Krystle's death. 

Ever night I used to write a diary, thinking I am talking to Krystle and told her about the things I did the whole day. Things which I want to share with someone but does not have a person to ear my shit like Krystle did. 

I then prayed to God for everyone's safety and to let Krystle be in peace in heaven. After that I called it a night. 

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