Part 26

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That day after an hour more I was finally discharged. I confronted my dad and he told me that Wane was telling the truth and maybe because of drowning I am hydrophobic. I was back to my old self.

In school I was back to hanging out a lot with Ellie and Ryan. My mid night calls with Wane and Jeremy and me back being friends.

Jeremy after I found out the truth started teasing me that Wane cares more about him then me. That Wane choose him over me. I just laugh and thank him for doing it.

If it weren't for him then I would have not met Wane. Maybe in the trip I would have but that would have created a mess for Wane as he would have not known me well and we would have ended up fighting a lot. I guess!

Anyways a month has passed and finally yesterday Jake got married and the same night left for his honeymoon. Dad now has a new PA and Jake has been promoted. He is now one of the Director of the company. 

Last night Wane gave me his house key and told me to come next morning as it is Sunday to help him clean his place. Ryan had moved out long back when his father shifted to NYC.

Wane surely needed to clean his place, when I asked him to let the maid do it, he refused saying "I don't like anyone touching my personal things. You are an exception to that thing." 

So here I am ringing his bell. Finally when he did not open the door I let myself in using the key and shouted "Why did you ask me to come early if you're going to sleep?" 

He did not answer and I went to his room to see him sleeping, blanket on him. I called him "Wane!" He still did not move so I went towards his bed and shook his arms "Hey Wane! Wake up!" 

He still did not open his eyes so I did one think any normal person would do. I removed his blanket and that was the biggest mistake. He was sleeping naked. I shouted and put the blanket back on him "Shit!" 

Finally hearing my voice he rubbed his eye and got up and stated "You are here!" He was about to get out of his blanket, when I stopped him by holding his shoulder and told him "You don't have... You don't have clothes on." 

He rolled his eye and said "What's wrong with you?" And started to get up. I stopped him and told him "See for yourself!" So he finally put his head inside the blanket and saw. 

He then shamelessly got up and went towards his bathroom and I closed my eyes. Finally after 15 minutes I was calm and stopped blushing, when he came out. Now dressed up. 

I started complaining "Why did you sleep naked? You should have at least worn a boxer." 

He smiled and said "I didn't have anything on? That means you saw little Wane!" I hit him and shouted "Aren't you embarrassed? Why do you look so proud about it?" 

He just laughed and I hit him again and said "Stop it or else I will surely kill you. Now tell me what do you want me to do?" I then looked around looking at the mess his room was in.

He pointed towards the mess and said "Help me clean up." I rolled my eye and asked "Clean what up Idiot!" 

He then said "You organize the book section." I then started doing what I was told and he started collecting his clothes.

After books I arranged his clothes in his wardrobe and helped with other mess in the room. Finally after two hours we were done.

I asked him "Before me who did all this work?" He smiled and said "Jeremy! But this time he refused saying ask your girlfriend to help you." 

I rolled my eyes and stated "I am just your friend! Remind him that." He pushed me on the bed, first as he bend down I thought he was going to kiss me but then he sat down beside me.

He asked "What kind of friends love each other or get jealous when they talk to opposite gender? I think you should start getting your facts clear." 

I gave him a sarcastic smile and said "You get your facts clear Mr. I am your best friend and nothing more." He ignored me and said "I am hungry! Cook me something." 

I hit him and said "Are you trying to make fun of me knowing I can't even boil water without burning myself?"

He laughed and said "You know whenever you are here, you treat me like your personal chef and order me to cook for you." 

I asked him "Aren't you my personal chef? Will you let me starve and die?"

He rolled his eyes and said "I am cooking this time just because you helped me clean. This is the last time I am acting as your personal chef." 

I smiled and said "I know you will cook for me next time too. Come on I will help you."

He laughed and said "No thanks I don't want to burn my kitchen." Then before I could hit him he ran down. 

I followed him down and said "Seriously I want to help you! Come on let me do something." He then passed me a carrot and said "Cut it in small square pieces."

I took it and started cutting it, whereas he was making the chicken gravy. I then remembered and asked him "You told me once that you were vegan? You asked me to make vegan food for you. But I have seen you eat chicken, meat and all." 

He laughed and said "I made you do that to piss you off. I thought you will get angry but you were okay."

I said "I was not the one who was cooking so why will I have a problem." 

He told me "I hoped I could piss you off and then make you happy with flowers and your favorite chocolate which you had told me when we were locked in that room. But I guess flowers do not anymore make you happy just the chocolate was enough for you." 

I was so happy that he remembered even such small details which I had told him years ago, which I myself don't remember. I before could reply shouted in pain "Ouch!" 

Then saw my finger which now had a small cut because I was not paying attention. Wane rushed towards me and took my finger and put in under the flowing water in the sink.

He said "Can't you be careful! Look now you are hurt, I should have not let you do anything. Is it paining?" 

I shook my head and smilingly said "Its just a small cut! Don't worry its not paining. Come on I will put a bandage on it you cook I am too hungry." 

He scolded me "Stop smiling and let me apply a cream and then bandage. Sit down on the chair and don't you dare move."

I nodded and sat down and he went out to bring a first aid box.

After he was done giving me a first aid, he cooked and we had lunch together. After lunch Ryan had come to visit him and we three watched a movie. After which I went back home to have dinner with dad. 

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