Part 41

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In the garden I told them about Wane and Hazel. Ryan asked me "You want me to talk to him?"

I told him "No it's okay! I think I should handle it on my own." 

After our sad talk they finally cheered me up by their jokes and all. We went out for breakfast at a restaurant near by and ate.

I was still not feeling like eating so I just had a cup of coffee. After sometime Gary said "Soon lunch break will be over. We can go to school."

I told him "How about you all go. I will take a day off. I want to rest and the police will be at my place later to record my statement." They agreed and dropped me home. 

I saw that Wane's car was not there, thank God he left. I so not wanted to face him yet.

I went in to see Hazel sitting in the living room. She was wearing extremely short shorts and a crop top. I rolled my eyes and went in.

She saw me and asked "Where were you last night? Wane and I had such a good time! Thank you for leaving." 

I ignored her and went up. I changed into comfortable set of clothes and slept as I could not sleep last night.

After about sometimes a maid woke me up "Ma'am cops are here to record your statement." 

I told her "Give them something to drink and all, be down in a minute." She nodded and left.

When I came down, there were three cops, one female and two males. I told them the story my father had told me to tell.

They recorded it and the female said "I hope you are doing fine now." 

I nodded and said "Yes I am fine now thank you." She said "Okay we will leave now, we will see you in court when the proceedings begin." I nodded and they left.

Where is Wane? Wasn't he supposed to be here when the cops come. Dad told me he will be here.

After seconds a very angry looking Wane entered. He shouted at me "What the hell is your problem? Last night you disappeared and then in morning you went to school without informing anyone. Now you threw Hazel out of house. If you wanted her gone you should have told me and I would have taken her to my house. Why did you insulted her and threw her out?"

I asked him "Who told you I threw her out? Do you really think so little of me?"

He said "She called me crying an hour ago. She was sitting by the gate with all her luggage." 

I told him "I don't know why she is lying but I will tell you just once that I did nothing like that."

He pleaded "Why are you lying Sam? If you didn't want her here you should have said baby? Why are you being like this?" 

I told him firmly not wanting to cry "I am not lying! I did not even talk to her since I came back. If you don't trust me, you are free to go with her." 

He gave me a shocked look and asked "Are you throwing me out too?"

I shouted "When did I throw you out? Why are you fighting with me? Ask anyone the guard, butler or maid did I say anything to Hazel. For past three hours I was in my room sleeping. You have so little trust in me Wane?" 

He said "I don't know! You are confusing me. One minute you were fine and when I brought Hazel you stopped talking much. I thought you are introvert and hence behaving like this. Then you run away...."

Before he could complete I fall down and soon darkness took over me.


I heard a beeping noise and opened my eyes. I saw Ryan sitting on a chair beside me. I asked him "What happened?"

He said "You fainted. The doctor said you may not have been eating well as you were kidnapped and hence you fainted." 

I asked him "How long was I out?" He said "Around an hour." I nodded and asked "Where is Wane? I was with him last." 

He told me "He is not here. Come on we can go home, you just need to take medicines."

I nodded and said "Can I stay with you for some days? I don't want to live alone." 

He nodded and said "You need not ask. You are always welcome." Ryan took me to his place. 

It has been a week since I am staying with Ryan. Wane hasn't contacted me yet or I haven't seen or heard about him at all.

It was our last day of school, as after this we only have to come to give exams. 

We clicked pictures, left our name on a wall of the school along with Krystle's name.

Finally after the day ended, we all came back home. We all have been studying at Ryan's house. Mostly them studying and me being distracted.

I told them "Hey we ran out of coke I am going to grocery store you all need anything?"

Ryan said "For me bubblegum." Gary said "Lays!" and Ellie wanted Ice cream.

I don't know why they let me go alone. Before this they always nagged about going with me. Weird people!

I went to the store and brought the things which I needed. I came out to see Wane standing by my car.

He looked at me and smiled. He asked me "You okay now? Can we talk without you fainting?" 

I asked him "What's there to talk about?" He said "Come on let's go to a bit deserted place, here it's too crowded."

I told him "I don't want to go anywhere with you."

He said "Okay then! Let's do it in a hard way if you don't want the easy way." He shouted "Jeremy change of plan, I need my car you take her car." 

Jeremy came out of Wane's car and said "Okay boss!" He then opened my car and took it.

I shockingly checked my pocket but my key was with me and asked "How did he have my key?" 

Wane laughed and said "First of all he is Jeremy and second we manufacture cars if you might have forgotten. Getting a duplicate key is way too easy for us. Anyways now come before I drag you." 

I shouted at him "What do you want?" He smiled and said "You!"

I rolled my eyes and asked "So now you trust me?" 

He said "If I didn't would I be here?" I told him "But I don't trust you. Go back to your Hazel."

He laughed pulled my cheeks and said "How cute! I only have one girl and that is you my beautiful Sam." 

He then took my hand and dragged me towards his car. Not wanting to create a scene I went with him.

He stopped the car in front of his house and took me in. As soon as we entered he closed the door and kissed me. At first I stayed still but then I gave up and kissed him back.

I pulled away after a minute and asked him "Why are you doing this? I don't want anything to do with you, I am leaving."

I then removed the ring from my finger, kept it on the table and left.  

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