Part 29

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Finally the day of our night over was here. We were sitting in my room and talking about random things.

Ryan asked Ellie "Hey El! Will you ever tell us what is going on with you and Jeremy? I am sure there is something."

Ellie told us "There isn't anything going on! We are friends. That night when he calmed me down I guess we became close. After that we have been talking." 

Ryan asked her "You scared me that day! What dream did you see that you were so afraid?" I said "Its okay you don't have to tell, I am sure you might have forgotten." 

Ellie said "Its okay! He is my close friend now and he deserves to know. You two share everything with me and its time I open up too." 

Ryan said "Its nothing like that, if you don't want we are okay."

Ellie shook her head and said "I think I am finally conquering my fear and have started trusting people again. Now I think I can talk about it without getting much affected. For that I am completely thankful to you two." 

We smiled and she continued "Last year it was the last day of school and I along with my Miami friends went to the beach in the evening. I think I was the biggest fool to even try getting along with them and trust them. They used to make fun of me all the time but I thought that is what friends always did make fun of each other. But that day I realized that fun was not a healthy teasing but I was too late. Two boys from the group raped me. Next day I asked other group members help but none of them took my side. I asked my parents support but did not get that also. I somehow with help of my grandparents fought for my justice and finally got it. I could not stay there after all this happened and my grandfather owned a hotel here in NYC and suggested we shift here. Then I met Sam and you, finally I realized what true friends are. My grandparents always talk about you two being amazing kids."

Ryan hugged her and said "I wish I was there for you. I am sorry! I promise you will always have me and I won't let anyone ever lay a finger on you. You really are too strong Ellie." 

Ellie said "Thank you Ryan! That night was the first time I went out with friends after that incident and had that dream. But now I am completely fine and have accepted not everyone is like them." 

After that Ryan said "I have a confession to make too! I think I like someone but I need your support." 

I happily asked him "Who? Obviously we will support you." Ryan said "What if that person is an oddball?" 

I asked him "Why will we mind? Ryan we are best friends and we are meant to support each other." Ellie said "Obviously why will we mind? We are okay with anyone."

He nervously scratched at the back of his neck, took a deep breath and said "Gary Seth!" Ellie and I gave him a shocked look and I asked "What?"

He told us "I have known Gary for years now, before leaving he and I were good friends not close but yes you could say we were friends. After I was back he ignored me as I was always around you. But that day after the event where Wane was guest, he started talking to me and I think I like him more than friend."

Ellie hi-fived me and said "I can't believe our little Ryan is in love. I am so happy for you." I smiled and said "I am happy too. Finally we all can one day go on a group date."

Ryan said "I am not sure, I am going to take my time and I don't even know if he likes me or not." I told him "That's easy to find out. Ellie can you help me in my plan?"

She nodded and Ryan asked "What is going on in that small brain of yours?" I told him "One thing at a time Step one befriending Gary! We will make him comfortable around us and try to involve him more in our group." 

They both nodded and Ryan asked "What is step 2?" I hit him and said "First complete step 1 then I will tell step 2." 

They agreed and from Monday we begin our mission "Getting Gary!" The whole night we kept talking around random shit. I then had an idea! 

"Hey how about prank calling?" They nodded and asked "Who can we prank?" I suggested "How about Wane and Jeremy? I have a private no. we can call using it." 

They nodded and we called Jeremy first. I was going to talk to him. He answered after a minute of ringing.

J: This better be serious who ever this is. Its morning 3 am and you are disturbing my sleep.

S: Am I speaking to Jeremy?

J: Yes you are. How may I help you?

S: Hey! I am Victoria, remember we met few months back in Vegas.

J: I don't know any Victoria.

S: How can you forget me? What a night we had. Or were you so drunk that you forgot?

J: What the fuck are you talking?

I controlled my laughter and said "Correct we fucked and that was so amazing." 

J: Whoever you are better stop messing up or you will be dead before the sun rise. 

S: Seriously Jeremy! First you took away my virginity and now that I am pregnant with your child you are going to kill me. Its high time you start taking responsibility of your action.

J: First of all I clearly remember that I did not sleep with anyone and second of all how did you get my no.?

S: Come on baby! You were so washed how will you remember fucking me. We both were high! But I was in my senses, how could you forget such an amazing night we spend.

J: I am hanging up now! If its really my baby then call me tomorrow morning and I will see what I can do for you.

S: Wait so you are ready to take responsibility of our child? 

J: I never said it. I am pretty sure that I did not sleep with anyone, specially when I was drunk.

S: Meet me once and you will remember it all. How about I come to your place now and help you remember?

J: Stop your shitty talk, I am 100% sure I am still a virgin.

That caught me off guard, this boy can't be serious. I messed up our plan and asked "You can't be serious?" 

He understood my voice and said "What is your and your boyfriend's problem? Why do you two love to disturb my sleep." 

I said "It wasn't me! It was Ellie. She wanted to prank you." Ellie hit me and said "When did I say that? It was completely your idea. Now that he knows lets move on to our next target." 

Jeremy asked us "Who is your next target? Wane?" I said "Yes!" Jeremy said "This won't work on him, plan something different. He is a heavy sleeper." 

I asked him "Then you suggest something." He said "I am sleeping you are smart enough to think of something. Now don't you dare disturb me." 

I rolled my eye and he disconnected the call. I know what we could do. I said "Remove your car Ryan and Ellie you help me find my marker pens." 

Ryan did as he was told. On the way I told him my plan and they were super excited.

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