Part 40

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When I came down dad informed me "I am sorry baby but we all are leaving tonight. The clients for whom we are going there exempted us because they thought you are kidnapped but now that you are back I have to go." 

I said "It's okay dad! No problem. I will be fine and will call you daily."

After finally hugging me, we said our final good bye. Dad before leaving informed me "Wane will be here late. He had to go to police station to record his statement." 

I nodded and went back up. The maid asked me "Ma'am what shall I make for dinner?"

I told her "I will tell you in five minutes." She nodded and left. I called Wane and he answered "Hey!" 

S: When are you coming back home?

W: I just left the station, will go home and bring my things. Is it okay if a friend crash at your place for few days? 

S: Sure no problem! What will you have for dinner?

W: You are cooking?

S: No maid! But I have to inform her.

W: How about something in Chinese? 

S: Okay I will ask the maid to make noodles for us.

W: We will have a guest with us so for three.

S: Okay! Bye!

I then disconnected the call. Called from an intercom and informed the maid to make Chinese food.

After an hour I was still waiting for Wane. Finally he came and the butler helped him with the bags.

I thought the friend he mentioned was Jeremy because he is his only friend, but with him walked a girl.

She looked around Wane's age and dressed like a model. She was taller than me and looked so much better than me.

Wane introduced us and said "Hey Sam meet my friend Hazel. Hazel my beautiful girlfriend Samantha." 

She shook my hand and said "She sure is beautiful Wane but not more than me."

Wane said "Nope! Sorry to say this but she is more beautiful than you." I smiled and called a maid and told her to show her a guest room.

As she left with maid I told Wane "I thought Jeremy was coming with you. He is your only friend!" He asked "Why jealous?" 

I rolled my eye and said "Go change I am hungry." He nodded and went up.

The girl Hazel come down and stated "Your house is really nice." I said "Thank you!"

We both sat down in living room waiting for Wane. I was scrolling through Instagram when Hazel said "I never knew Wane will fall for a school going teen. When you were kidnapped he was so stressed. I literally had to feed him by force." 

I nodded, not interested in talking to her. As I can only talk to people I am comfortable around and I was so not comfortable around her.

She continued "We are college friends, when he found out that my parents threw me out because I refused to marry a boy of their choice he let me stay with him. When you were kidnapped I was the one taking care of him."

I rolled my eyes and said "Thank you for being such a good friend. I will make sure I take care of you while you are staying here."

She laughed and asked "Are you being sarcastic? Are you jealous that Wane will finally seen that he does not need a kid but a woman and leave you for me." 

I told her "I don't think that will ever happen." She laughed again and said "Oh please just wait and watch how I will make Wane mine soon." 

I ignored her. I knew seeing her that we two can never be friends. But what is wrong with Wane how could he let her stay with him? He even did not tell me about her all these days when I was away.

Wane came down and said "Come on lets have dinner." I nodded and followed him towards kitchen.

The maids served us and we started eating. Wane tried to talk to me but I was so not in mood. I silently ate, while the witch no. 2 kept talking to Wane. I am so going to kill him for laughing with her.

I was so not in mood to eat anymore. I left the table and went to my room.

I heard my door open and Wane walking in "Hey! What happened? Are you not feeling well? You did not even eat much." 

I told him "I am tired I want to sleep." He said "I brought your plate with me, eat something and then sleep."

I told him "Wane please leave me alone." I was crying by now. 

He made me sit on my bed, sat beside me and hugged me and asked "What happened? Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? Are you not feeling well?" 

I told him "I am missing dad, please leave me alone for sometime Wane please." He nodded and left.

After an hour I was finally calm and went out as I was hungry. I saw Wane's door was opened and was about to go in when I saw from the door that he and Hazel were watching a movie.

They were sitting comfortably on his bed. There was a pillow between them still I did not like it, how can he watch a movie peacefully when I am in next room pissed at him.

I went to my room and called Ryan. He answered "Hey!" 

S: Come and get me now. I don't want to stay here.

R: What happened?

S: I don't know! You will not question me or tell Wane about it please.

R: Okay! Why are you crying but?

S: Are you coming to get me or I should go and live in a hotel?

R: Okay I am leaving! 

S: Wait for me on the gate and don't make any noise.

R: Okay!

I packed my bag, kept my clothes, school uniform and books in a bag. I took my phone and bag, without informing left the house. On the gate Ryan was waiting for me. I left with him.

I turned my phone off and without talking to anyone slept in a guest room. More like cried myself to bed.

Next morning when I came out I saw on the dining table Wane sat with Rachel and Mr. Hall.

I turned and went back in, not wanting to face him. I got ready and from the window of the guest room left for school. I walked for few minutes and finally found a cab.

I took the cab and went to school. I was earlier than usual, the students have just started to enter.

I went and sat in my first class waiting for my friends to come. After few minutes Ryan, Gary and Ellie entered and Ryan shouted at me "Are you mad? What is wrong with you? Last night I did not say anything but leaving like this is so not correct. How can you be so careless!"

Ellie calm him down and said "Ryan she is about to cry stop screaming and you come with us. We all need to talk about what the actual fuck is going on in your mind." 

She then pulled me out and Ryan and Gary followed us. The teacher saw us and asked "Where are you all going? Ms. Colton it's so good to see you back safely." 

She then looked at my face and asked "What is wrong with her? Is she crying? Her eyes are swollen." Ellie said "Ma'am she is in trauma still. Is it okay if we take her back home?" 

The teacher replied "Sure she looks so fragile. Please take care of her and Ms. Colton if you ever have any problem in school or need anything please do come to me." 

I nodded and we all left to God knows where. Ryan drove his car and asked "Where should we go?" Ellie said "Lets go to the park near our house." 

Ryan nodded and drove that way. 

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