#62: Your A Victoria Secret Model (His POV)

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Harry: Damn all of these girls. How did I get to be- oh look there goes one in pink. Wow she was pretty, should I go ask for her number? Screw it, I will. I walked behind the girl in the pink and finally, I tapped her shoulder. "Hi, I'm Harry, it's nice to meet you." I said sticking my hand out "Y/N." she replied to me with a smile grabbing my hand gently. "I was just wondering if you maybe would want to um, you know. erm..." But Niall called me saying we had to go do a sound check. She smiled "I would love to. Here call me." She handed me a napkin with digits scrawled upon it. I stared in awe as she walked away, and Niall came to drag me away.

Liam: The lights were dimmed and we were about to start. The boys and I were preforming one of our more popular songs, What Makes You Beautiful, and the feeling of excitement was fresh in my stomach like every time we preformed. The music started and the lights jumped on, and the show started. I sang and watched as the girls walked down the runway, one pretty face after another, until one just made me stop, I almost missed my solo because she literally took my breath away. We finished and I ran off the stage to find her. Once I caught up to her I said "Hi, I umm, would you like to get a cup of coffee sometime?" She nodded saying "I'm Y/N. After the show?" I nodded as she walked away.

Niall: Why did this stupid thing have to be so tight? I asked myself flattening out the tight dress that clung to my skin. It was almost my turn to walk down the runway and I was worried. Not only was this my first year, but One Direction was preforming at the same time, and I loved them, Niall especially. I was afraid to fall on my face from fangirling. I was pushed out onto the runway and I was starting down the runway. Their sweet voices pierced my ears, and I couldn't help but smile a little. Niall's part was supposed yo be now, but he didn't sing. I sneaked a peak at them, and he was staring at me. I blushed as Louis picked his solo up, and I walked backstage. After the show, I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Niall. He said "Hey, ummm, I'm sorry I don't know your name but can I know your number?" I laughed at the pickup line and couldn't help but give it to him.

Louis: I was bobbing my head to the music trying to calm down. Not only was I wearing almost nothing, but I was very clumsy right now, not good for today. The director lined us up and told us to interact with the band, and then he said their name. "One Direction." and a massive load of pressure was added to my chest. Crap, now I really couldn't fall, or else I would be embarrassed in front of my favorite band. The show finally started about 10 minutes later and as I strutted down the walkway, I muttered don't fall, don't fall. I had almost forgot to interact with them. I strutted around Louis, but my heel slipped. I was starting to fall when he caught me, then pulled me up twirling me around. I smiled a thankful smile, then walked back, and the director called me brilliant. After the show, I changed and ran into Louis on the way out "Thanks so much, that could have been bad." He laughed "It was nothing." he smiled then slipped something in my hand. A scrap piece of paper. I opened it as he walked away with a boyish grin, I had just got his number.

Zayn: I couldn't stop laughing. I had been talking to Zayn from One Direction for the past 3 hours, waiting for the show to start. It felt like we really clicked, but he hadn't asked for my number, or to go out on a date sometime. I finally was able to regain my breath, but he had to get ready himself, as did I too. I was a little disappointed, but I had to focus now. I watched as the boys preformed, Zayn constantly looking over at me. I shook my head trying to focus, and not fall on my face. I walked out as Zayn was singing little things, but instead of singing "I'm in love with you and all these little things", he sang "Y/N, please go out with me." I almost stopped but continued until I was out of view of everyone but him. I nodded, and he gave me a thumbs up, just as excited as I was.

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