#52: You're A Police Officer

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Liam: You felt multiple pairs of eyes on you as you walked in the coffee shop, fully dressed in your uniform. A hint of annoyance was evident on your face as you crossed your arms; why was it so weird for a police officer to get some coffee? “Hi.” You turned around at the sound of someone greeting you. “Erm, hi?” you replied awkwardly, taking in the man’s brown hair and Converse. He gave you a smile as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, “You looked pretty angry, so I thought I’d take your mind off of whatever’s bothering a beauty like you.” A blush made its way to your cheeks and you coughed to cover your nervous laughter. “T-Thanks,” you managed to mumble. He grinned and proceeded to stand next to you instead of behind, “No worries. Now let me buy you a coffee. Also you can tell me cool police stories.” 

Louis: Ever since you two started dating he’s had a fascination about your job. He’s always interested and always asks how work is. Even if you tell him nothing worth talking about happened he insists that you tell him nonetheless. Usually you’ll come home- still dressed in your uniform- and Louis will give you his biggest smile, greeting you at the door to pull you in his arms for a hug and a kiss. You’ve caught him talking about your job with the boys plenty of times and you can’t help but grin like an idiot every time you do. Niall pointed out that you probably enjoyed all the talk Louis did a little bit too much but you can’t help but be happy that your boyfriend Is just as proud of you as you are of him. 

Niall: “Shoot guns?” Niall’s four year old nephew asked you as he curiously peered up at you from your lap. You gave him a smile and laughed slightly as Denise told her son not to ask questions like that. “It’s fine,” you smiled at her and turned back to the toddler just in time to see Niall fixing his shirt. Your boyfriend grinned at you before taking his nephew into his arms, but the little boy’s eyes stayed on you. “I only shoot guns if people do bad things,” you told him, not sure if he would understand. He continued to give you a questioning gaze before turning back to his uncle. “Cool,” he said simply, pointing at you. Niall chuckled and tickled his sides, causing him to burst out in laughter. “She is pretty cool,” Niall told him before giving you a wink. 

Zayn: He’s very aware and wary of the danger that your job can sometimes put you in. From the moment he realized that he wanted you to be his for a long time he became very protective. It irked him that he could keep you safe from pricks at clubs but not from your own job. You found it incredibly sweet that he was so worried but you hated seeing him so distraught over it. A stressed Zayn is the last thing you wanted. Between his crazy schedule and yours there wasn’t much time to be anxious over something that is out of his control. He eventually realized this and settled for pulling you into his arms when you had to leave for work, giving you a long and lingering kiss on your lips. 

Harry: “Babe you should really consider taking some more time off,” Harry said to you, a frown on his face as you got ready for work. You sighed and turned to your husband, giving him a questioning look, “What’s wrong Harry? Why are you so against me going back to work?” He opened his mouth to answer but his attention was quickly diverted when his daughter started to cry. You both quickly made your way to her crib and you watched as Harry lifted your baby girl into his arms. “I’m just worried about you (Y/N),” Harry murmured to you, answering your previous question, “being a police officer is not the easiest job and you’ve just had a kid.” You smiled at his concern and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “You’re cute Harry. But I’m still going back to work,” you said and Harry playfully huffed, reluctantly agreeing with you.

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