#27: You Walk Down The Aisle... (His POV)

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Zayn: As soon as she walks in, everyone’s gaze falls on her. She’s absolutely beautiful. Her dress fits her so well; it lies perfectly on her body. It looks even better now than when we picked it out. I’m always asking myself how I got so lucky to have someone like her in my life. She glances up at me, and shoots me a shy smile. Her cheeks flush a pretty rose, as she bites her lower lip. I can’t help, but smile myself. And here she is, right in front of me. My beautiful bride-to-be.

Niall: I can finally see how beautiful she really looks now. I knew that dress was the one. All of the memories we had together suddenly rush back to me. From the time we met to the time we almost broke up. This moment, right now, will be such a wonderful one. As we make eye contact, a giggle escapes from our lips, causing people to look at us oddly.  I can’t take my eyes off of her. It amazes me how we’ve been together for 4 years, and here we are, about to get married.

Harry: Her arm is linked tightly around her dad’s arm. I could tell that she was nervous. I mouth to her, “It’s okay.” She gives me a relieving smile. As she walks towards the alter, she nearly stumbles on her dress, earning giggles from everyone. I nearly laugh my ass off, but it wasn’t appropriate at the time. I’ll tease her later. She doesn’t look up as she walks, as she’s too embarrassed. I can see her cheeks growing hot. I smile to myself, as she steps in front of me. She sheepishly smiles, turning her head towards the minister. 

Louis: I’ve imagined this day for so long now, and now it’s about to happen all at once. A grin spreads on my lips as I catch her eye. I playfully stick my tongue out at her, causing her to almost laugh. She sticks her tongue back at me and I just scoff. Even at this serious moment, we find a way to be silly. God, she looks extremely stunning. No wonder I fell for her the first time I saw her. I’ve been blessed with such a wonderful person. Everything is just the way I want it.

Liam: We’re finally taking our relationship to the next level. Just looking at her in that dress gets me butterflies. I can feel my cheeks burn as she slowly gets closer and my hands start to feel warm. My lips break apart into a wide smile as we take a quick glance at each other. Today will be one of the happiest days of my life. I cannot wait until we start a family together. I know she’s the one that I want to be with for the rest of my life. 

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