#19: You Meet Him On X-Factor

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Niall: You couldn’t believe your eyes. One Direction was performing right in front of you! You watch them in awe from backstage. As they finish their song, they run down past you. A familiar figure stands in front of you. It was Niall Horan. The Niall Horan! “I’ve heard you sing and you’re awesome!” he compliments. “Thanks,” you say, barely audible, “Can I get a picture?” He nods happily, “Yeah! Make sure to send it to me!”

Harry: One Direction was about to go on stage, but you had other things to worry about. You needed to rehearse. You couldn’t risk being in the bottom two again. As you rehearse down the hallway, you accidentally bump into someone. “Oh god (Y/N). I’m so sorry!” you begin, but as you look up, you see Harry Styles. Your cheeks immediately heat up. He smiles, “It’s fine. You’re really good by the way! I’ll be sure to root for you.”

Louis: You knew One Direction was going to perform tomorrow night. You were so excited, but you had to focus on rehearsing. It was your turn to rehearse your act on stage. As the rehearsal comes to an end, you hear someone applauding for you. Your eyes search around for a second, but stops as you see Louis. “Oh my god,” you mumble. “You did great love! I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?”

Zayn: You were doing your one on one with Demi Lovato. “You’re doing great. Do the whole song like that!” she says. During the middle of the song, Zayn creeps up next to Demi. Your eyes grow wider, but you continue on with the song. As you finish, you cover your face in embarrassment. “Oh my god! You were so good!” Demi compliments. “Really good. I’ll definitely watch you from backstage tomorrow!” Zayn says, going in for a hug.

Liam: You were privileged to watch One Direction perform, let alone backstage! They sang their hit song, ‘Best Song Ever’. As you rock out to the song, Liam spots you from the corner of his eye. He walks towards your direction and sings to you. At that moment, you felt as if you were about to cry. Once the performance ends, he rushes up to you, “(Y/N) right? I’m excited to see you perform tonight!”

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