#49: He Brings the Boys to Watch Your X-Factor Audition

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Liam: He eyed the other four boys wearily as they continued to mess with each other. Fidgeting in his seat, he impatiently waited for your audition to start. As soon as Harry and Louis started shouting ‘penis’ Liam began to rethink his choice of bringing them along. “Knock it off guys,” he said quietly but sternly. “Is Daddy Directioner nervous for (Y/N)?” Louis teased him, grabbing his cheeks. Liam scoffed, moving his face out of Louis’ reach, “Of course I am! I want her to do good and get-“ “SHHH! (Y/N) is going to start!” Niall cut him off, eyes on you. Liam quickly shut up and turned his attention to you. He flashed you a reassuring smile which you saw, easing your nerves as you began to sing. You ended up getting through with a yes from all the judges, making the crowd cheer. “Thank you so much,” you said to them as you made your way backstage only to be met by your boyfriend. “You did so good babe!” he said, taking you in his arms for a hug. You laughed, hugging him back, “Thanks Li.” He kissed your forehead just before Louis exclaimed, “Congrats (Y/N)!” Next thing you knew you were surrounded by the other four boys, being crushed by a One Direction group hug. 

Louis: You could hear the five boys going crazy from your spot backstage, making the host shoot you an annoyed look. Putting your hands up defensively you said, “Hey, I’m not the one making all the noise. I can go calm them down if you want.” The host sighed, shaking his head, “No you can’t. Your audition is about to start.” Your nerves returned as he handed you a microphone, ushering you to the stage. The crowd clapped for you; One Direction’s claps being louder of course. The judges did the usual; asking you for your name and what you would be singing. Taking a deep breath you began to sing, smiling as the crowd seemed to enjoy it. As soon as you finished you weren’t surprised to see your boyfriend standing up. “That’s my girlfriend everyone! WOO!” you laughed at Louis going crazy. The crowd cracked up as well while some of the fan girls screamed at the sight of him. “Well if it isn’t Louis Tomlinson,” Nicole Scherzinger said before getting back to your audition. Thrilled by the judges saying yes, Louis cheered even louder. He gave you a wink as you made your way backstage. 

Harry: “I don’t think I want to do this Harry,” you told him quietly, not wanting the other boys to hear. They were so excited for you and you didn’t want to bring them down. “Why not love?” he asked, taking your hand in his. “What are the chances of me getting in? I mean, I’m not even that good,” you mumbled, looking down. He gently tilted your head up by your chin so you were forced to look at him. “You’re amazing (Y/N). The judges would have to be crazy to not to put you through,” he assured you. You smiled at him, grateful to for his encouragement. “You’re going to kill it (Y/N)!” Niall exclaimed as he made his way over to you with the other boys. You laughed and before you knew it you were singing in front of a crowd and the judges, earning a yes from all of them. A smile made its way on to your face when you heard the five boys go crazy backstage. Harry quickly kissed you before the other boys could get you in their arms for a hug. 

Zayn: He groaned when the boys held up their hand-made posters once again. When he told them that you were auditioning for the X-Factor he didn’t expect them to make posters with your name on them and t-shirts. “Join us Zayn!” Harry teased him as he stood up along with the others. “(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)!” they chanted repeatedly, getting louder each time. But the boys’ chanting immediately stopped, Zayn’s eyes leaving them and focusing on you as you told the judges what you would be singing. “Sit down,” he hissed at them as your audition began. They immediately did as they were told, watching you as you began. “She’s doing great,” Liam murmured, looking at Zayn. He had a proud smile on his face as your audition came to an end. You earned loud cheers from all five of the boys, and a sweet kiss from Zayn backstage. 

Niall: “Get out of bed,” Niall said, trying to sound stern. You shook your head into your pillow, refusing to leave for your X-Factor audition. “Princess,” he shook you gently, urging you to get up. “The boys are waiting in the car for you. And I’m not going to let you blow this audition off.” You turned your head to look at him, “Niall, this isn’t going to go well.” “How do you know that?” he asked. “Because… Because I just do!” you replied childishly. Niall groaned, racking his brain for ideas to get you to go. “If you go we’ll get Nandos after!” You managed to laugh at his bribe, “Are you forgetting that you’re the one who’s in love with that place?” “I’ll give you a kiss,” he pouted at you. You couldn’t resist that face; he looked so innocent and adorable. Sighing, you gave in and hopped out of bed. One Direction’s loud cheers somehow calmed your nerves when you were getting ready to sing. You were glad Niall made you go, because you ended up getting a yes from all of the judges and a kiss just like Niall had promised.

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