#7: You're His Celebrity Crush 1/2

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Zayn: As the One Direction boys enter the red carpet, they were pulled one by one from interviewers behind the rope. “Has anyone caught your eye tonight?” an interviewer questions loudly. He looks around and nods when he catches sight of you. You’ve been on his radar for quite some time now. “Definitely! (Y/N) looks amazing as usual and I’m excited for her performance tonight!” he smiles, walking away to catch up with the other boys.

Niall: “Here’s a question that everyone is always dying to know with a slight twist! Who is your ultimate celebrity crush and what would you tell them?” the blonde interviewer reads from her cue cards, “Niall?” He thinks carefully before answering, “I’m going to go with (Y/N) and we should totally do a duet together. Yeah!” The interviewer smiles and nods her head in excitement, “She’s coming in next week! We’ll put in a good word for you.”

Harry: “Can you act as your celebrity crush?” Liam reads off of the giant screen during the Twitter portion of the concert. Harry sings your hit single with passion. He even acts out on of your lines in your recent movie! “Harry has the biggest crush on (Y/N),” Louis teases. “That’s for sure!” Zayn chimes in. The crowd starts to go wild. “I love you (Y/N)!” he confesses, making the audience go even crazier.

Liam: And the same old question pops up again. “Who is your celebrity crush and have you met them?” the interviewer questions, “There are definitely a lot of hot young starts out there right now!” Liam nods, letting the other boys answer first. It was an easy question for him. “My celebrity crush is without a doubt (Y/N)!” he smiles, “I met her at the VMA’s last year and she was quite lovely.”

Louis: “You probably get this question a ton of times, but who is your celebrity crush?” the radio host asks, reading off the computer screen. Louis laughs, knowing that the answer is quite obvious, “Everyone on the face of this planet probably knows! But it’s (Y/N).” The host waggles his eyebrows cheekily, “She is pretty hot. What’s your reason?” “Definitely hot. But she’s really talented! Small girl with an incredible voice. I’ve seen a few of her interviews as well and she’s absolutely hilarious,” Louis reveals. 

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