#93: Special Moments On Twitcam

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Liam: You and Liam were doing a twitcam on your move in day. You were in your new house and were just hanging out in your living room. You showed them around and gloated about all the cool features your place had. You walked back to the living room and Liam was standing there waiting for you. You put the computer down and, instead of just sitting and talking to fans, he took your hand and twirled you in. You two danced as Liam sang 'I wont give up on us'. It was the best moment of any twitcam, ever.

Niall: Niall had to be up early for a phone in interview, and right after he decided to do a twitcam. He was sitting at the table when you woke up. He said good morning, as you cooked some breakfast. Niall figure it was breakfast for yourself, until you slid the plate in front of him. He smiled at you and ate in front of the fans. When he was done, you walked back into the kitchen. He stood up and gave you a hug, rubbing your back. You felt so secure in your relationship in that moment, you loved it.

Louis: You and Louis were doing a twitcam on the tour bus. You were chatting about everything, and the boys would make the random appearances. Louis got up to leave and got a sucker. When he came and sat back down, you pouted. "I wanted one" you said, frowning. He pulled the sucker out of his mouth and you opened yours, got a lick and gave it back. The fans loved how playful it was, and you thought it was cute to see you two sharing even the littlest things.

Harry: You and Harry had just got home from a party. You were both a little tipsy, but decided to to do a twitcam. You set up in bed and Harry tweeted the link. Fans were asking Harry a bunch of questions and you just sat there silently. "Looks like there's nothing for me here" you say, going to get up. You were almost up when Harry grabbed your arm and pulled you back in for a cuddle. You loved how much in love you two looked, and you ended up really feeling welcome during the twitcam after.

Zayn: You and Zayn decided to paint a huge canvas, and do a twitcam while you did. You were painting, minding your own business, when you felt Zayn tap you. You looked and were face to face with the paint brush. "Zayn no!" you shouted, but you were but off by his lips pressing to yours. That kiss felt different, you felt so in love, and it was funny for the fans to watch you reaction. It was by far the best moment of that twitcam. 

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