#31: Just Friends And He Admits That He Likes You...

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Zayn: You and your best friend were out grocery shopping to make dinner. As you start wheeling the cart around, Zayn decided to take over. “What do you want tonight? We already had chicken the other night. I was thinking maybe some pizza. That could be fun,” you happily suggest. “Yeah. Pizza sounds great. (Y/N)?” he calls your name. “What is it?” you reply, still searching for ingredients. He grabs your wrist, turning you around to face him. He looks down at his shoes, too shy to look at you. “I can’t take it anymore. I can’t keep hiding these feelings I have for you. I’ve tried, believe me. No matter how much I push my feelings away, they always come back. Please tell me you feel the same way,” he confessed, hoping you would feel the same way. You let out a small giggle, “Is that how you really feel?” Rubbing his back, he shyly nods. “That’s great, cause I feel the same way! It was kinda cute how you did it here in the store,” you laugh. He was shocked that you felt so comfortable with this. “Shall we continue shopping?”

Niall: You had invited Niall over to your flat for a movie night. You brought all the blankets and pillows you could find in the house and placed them on a couch. Niall let himself in with the spare key you gave him. “I brought your favorite movie!” he chirps. “Perfect,” you smile at him. You two were wrapped in blankets with popcorn all over. While you were completely engrossed in the movie, Niall took a quick glance at you. He immediately turned his head back to the screen once he took a peek. His head slowly turns back to you. This time, he kept his head there. “What’re you looking at?” you chuckle, laughing at how you caught him. “Nothing!” he covers up quickly. “Tell me now, or I’ll eat all the popcorn!” you joke. “I like you (Y/N). You’re funny, beautiful, and smart. Everything I would want in a girl. I tried to put these feelings past me, but it’s not working. I’ve liked you ever since we met,” he confesses, all of a sudden interested in his hands. You give him a quick peck on the cheek, “I like you too Ni. Took you long enough!”

Harry: Harry invited you to his concert tonight since it was in your hometown. “Thank you for coming out tonight. It means a lot to me,” he smiles at you. You watched backstage the whole entire time. Harry walks down the side steps and gives you a quick, sweaty hug. “Bathroom break!” Harry shouts as he runs to the bathroom. You shake your head, “Typical Harry.” As he rushes back out, he holds your shoulders, “I’m gonna do something really big next. Please don’t freak out okay?” You nod, slightly confused. “This is a bit more public than I wanted, but I can’t wait any longer. (Y/N), as you guys know, is my absolute best friend. She’s been there for me through everything. But these feelings I have. The butterflies I get in my stomach when I see her. (Y/N). I like you a lot. I hope you like me too,” he says shyly. The confession earned tons and tons of screams. Once the concert was over, he went straight to you. “So?” he asks nervously. You give him a kiss, “I like you too Haz.”

Liam: You had just broken up with your boyfriend that cheated on you. You were absolutely furious. “I can’t believe I didn’t see that coming! He was always a jerk, but I didn’t think he was that bad. I can’t believe I liked someone like him!” you let out your feelings in front of your best friend, “Sorry. Too loud?” “No. It’s okay. I’m listening,” he says. You were so thankful to have him as your best friend. “You know. Too bad there aren’t any guys as nice as you around!” you say, popping a grape into your mouth, “So how was your day?” He fakes a cough, “Umm. It’s been confusing.” “Why do you say that?” you asked, “You can tell me anything.” “I don’t know how you’ll react to this,” he nervously says, running his fingers through is hair, “I like you (Y/N). I don’t know if you’ll ever feel this way about me. I can’t pretend anymore. You make me really happy. You’re everything that I need…” he looks up at you, waiting for an answer. You take his hand in yours, “I wish you said that before I dated Connor. I like you too Liam.”

Louis: You were staying at the hotel with the boys, sharing a room with your best friend. “Hey Lou! Wanna go for a swim?” you ask, grabbing your towel. “I’ll meet you down there!” he replies. You shrugged and left for the pool. As you were about to walk into the pool, Louis runs over to you and pushes you in. “Louis!” you panicked. “I couldn’t help it!” he laughs, jumping into the pool with you. After a bit of swimming, you two decided to take it easy and float on your backs. “If I tell you something. Do you promise not to swim away?” “Haha. Of course. You can tell me anything,” you reply. “What do you do when you really like someone?” he asks. You think for a bit, “Confess to her. Maybe she feels the same way! Who’s the lucky girl?” “I like you (Y/N). I have for awhile now. I don’t want this to be awkward if you don’t feel the same way. I just can’t hold it in any longer,” he says nervously. “Well. Lucky for you, this girl likes you back,” you smile.

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