#65: He Embrasses You

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Liam: "You look so amazing today," Liam whispered to you quietly as the two of you were sitting down talking to Niall and Louis. "That shirt makes everything stand out." You blushed insanely, as Liam continued to whisper to you, not realizing that Niall and Louis could both hear him anyway, but you knew by the way they looked at you as he went on, "I can't wait to get you home tonight, and take all this clothes off of you." The embarrassment your face showed in that moment, was more than you had ever felt before. "Liam, they can hear you." Liam looked towards his friends, right as Niall winked at you, and you honestly wished the couch could suck you right into it.

Harry: "She fell flat on her face, and it just looked so bad." Your face was as red as could be, as Harry told this story to Niall and Louis. He thought it was cute, but you did not. The memory of falling while trying to get out of Harry's car, in front of many paparazzi was something you did not want to be reminded of. There were enough pictures as it was. "Harry, please stop." Harry looked at you after you said that, and saw the blush the covered your face. "Sorry, am I embarrassing you?" You nodded your head, and looked down, trying to ignore the laughs coming from Niall and Louis that were slowly coming to a stop. Harry put an arm around you, "I was just joking [Y/N], don't be embarrassed. Everyone falls." You wished you could just nod and laugh as well, but it was really embarrassing for you, and you did not have it in you to laugh at your own misery.

Louis: You walked into the dressing room, as Harry and Zayn were talking, and they both stopped to look at you and tried to hide laughter, but it was clear on their face. "What?" You looked down, thinking something must be fallen on you or something. You saw nothing though. "What is so funny?" Harry tried his best to compose himself, before he spoke to you, "Louis told us about last night." You were not sure what he was talking about, and then suddenly your heart began to pound. Your memories jumped to the night before, when you had gotten scared by what you thought was a snake in your home, before learning it was really just a wire that had been there all along; but only after jumping on the couch and crying for a good ten minutes. You felt so embarrassed, not really liking that Harry and Zayn knew, and were laughing at you. You quickly turned to leave the room, determined to go find Louis and tell him to not tell his friends every little thing that happens.

Niall: "How's [Y/N]?" Niall read aloud, as he was doing a tinychat. Some fan had asked that, and he smiled as he read it. "She's really good. Probably watching this now. So hi [Y/N]." You were watching when Niall waved at the screen, and it made you feel so amazing to have Niall actually mention you like that. He kept going though, and soon you felt more embarrassed than happy. "She likes to watch these and then call me after and tell me exactly what I did wrong during it." You knew he was just joking, though you did actually do that so he knew better next time, but either way telling all the fans that did not seem like a smart idea. It made you want to crawl under a rock and hide forever. "You all do that too though, I see the tweets. Anyway, so she's good. Let's see the next question..."

Zayn: "Hey [Y/N], if you go upstairs, be careful. I'm sure Zayn doesn't want to world to see everything," Harry said with a smirk, as he walked passed you. You looked at him confused as to what he was talking about, before something came to your mind. "Zayn, you did not tell them about my fall did you?" You asked, after Liam laughed and told you something about being careful around stairs as well. It made you think of the week before, when you had been at Zayn's house and falling down the stairs, right infront of his parents and your dress went flying up so they saw everything. Zayn did not reply, he just looked away from you, and that was answer enough. "Oh gosh, you told them?" "I didn't think they'd bring it up." "Oh my gosh," You said in disbelief, as your face turned the darkest shade of red.

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