#28: He Proposes To You...

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Niall: It was your 4th anniversary with Niall. You both didn’t get to celebrate properly as he had a concert. You watched him perform at the side of the stage, monitoring him every second. He rushes down the side steps, taking your hand in his. “C’mon!” he smiles, dragging you towards the center of the stage. The fans cheered at your presence on the stage. “You owe me for this,” you growl in his ear. The boys whistled and teased you two. You noticed that they all exited the stage. You look back at Niall, “What’s going on?” His lips curve into a sly grin and a red flush takes over his face. “Today is our 4th anniversary. These 4 years have been truly amazing and I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he says, getting down on one knee, “I love you princess. Will you marry me?” Your eyes start to well up with tears of joy. You never thought this day would come. Fans all around would start aww-ing at the romantic proposal. “I love you too Niall,” you accept his proposal. His giggle was uncontrollable. He gathers you up in his arms, lifting you off the ground.

Louis: It was the 24th of December, Louis’ birthday. Ever since you two started dating, you both made it a tradition to go ice-skating every year to celebrate. “We’ve been at this for 5 years and we still suck!” he laughs, trying to maintain his balance. You scoff, crossing your arms, “We? Don’t you mean you suck?” He somehow manages to catch up to you, locking his arms around your torso as you lead him. “I’ve always imagined that the guy would be leading. I guess not in this case huh?” you chuckle. All of a sudden, everyone exits the ice rink while you two remained on the ice. “That’s weird. Why’s everyone leaving?” you ask, about to leave yourself until Louis grabs your hand. “Wait!” he says. The Christmas trees the surrounds the rink suddenly light up. You look around, admiring the beautiful lit trees. “Lou,” you say as you turn around to him, but suddenly stop as you see him on one knee with an engagement ring. “Will you do the honor of being my wife? I don’t think I could love anyone else. It would also be a fantastic birthday gift!” he proposes, “My knee is starting to hurt!” You giggle, “Yes you idiot.”

Harry: “So why exactly did you bring me here? What’s the date today? I didn’t forget anything did I?” you question. He beams, “Can’t I just take my girlfriend out on a regular day? I’m a good boyfriend you know!” You roll your eyes and laugh, returning to your food. “You’re moving your leg again,” you say suspiciously, “What’s going on?” He immediately stops his leg, and nervously smiles, “Nothing! It just means I’m happy. That’s all.” You look straight at him, “I’m not stupid Haz. Tell me!” You were becoming more anxious to find out what was on his mind. “Please be patient. I’ll explain later,” he says, placing his hand over yours. You shrugged and continued eating. Both of you were done, but remained at the restaurant. “Can we please leave? We’re the only ones here!” you whine. “Perfect,” he mumbles. He gets up and clears his throat, “We’ve been together for awhile and we both love each other very much.” He nervously gets down on one knee and pulls out a small ring box from his pocket, “Will you marry me (Y/N)?” A tear slips out of your eye. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” you cheer, locking your arms around his neck.

Zayn: You were at the airport, waiting with Zayn until he boards the plane. He was leaving for a worldwide tour which is going to take 2 months. You lace your fingers with his, leaning your head against his shoulder. “I can’t believe I’m leaving you again. I’m so sorry,” he apologizes, giving your hand a squeeze. You smile, “Don’t be sorry. It’s your job.” He pecks you on the cheek as a sign of thank you. “Isn’t it crazy how we’ve been together for almost 3 years?” he suddenly brings up. “Yeah. Pretty crazy,” you reply. “I love you (Y/N). You know that right?” You look up at him curiously, “Of course I know. And I love you too.” “Good,” he answers, “I want to be with you for the rest of my life. At this point, I don’t think I’d be able to commit to anyone else.” You smirk questioning his sudden confession. He soon gets down on one knee, “Will you do the honors of being mine for the rest of our lives?” You look around awkwardly as people were staring at the two of you. You blush a bright red. You lean down and kiss him, “It would be my pleasure.”

Liam: It was Liam’s week off during touring. You and him flew to Paris. It was always your dream to go there with your boyfriend. “This is incredible!” you say in awe. He laughs at your cuteness. It was your last night in Paris. You saved the Eiffel Tower for the last night you had together before going back home. “Can you believe we’re actually up here?” you say, admiring the view from the top of the tower. “It’s breathtaking,” he murmurs. He puts his arm around your shoulders, bringing you in closer to him. “How perfect is this? The girl I love is here in the city of love on the Eiffel Tower with me,” he says, kissing the top of your head. You smile up at him, hugging him tighter, “I know. It’s amazing.” “I love you so much. You’re my soul mate. I had a feeling from the moment I met you,” he begins, “Will you be my wife (Y/N)?” He gets down on one knee, revealing the beautiful engagement ring. You gasp, quickly nodding for head. You lips land on his passionately. He places his forehead on yours, smiling like you’ve never seen before. “I love you Liam James Payne.”

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