#14: Your Famous and He Tweets About Meeting You

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Liam: “guesss who i gott to meet tday! wass in the studio with @(Y/T/N)! cantt wait to show you guyss what we were workin on :)”

Niall: “cannot believe we got to meet @(Y/T/N)! it was such an honor. shes even prettier than i imagined!”

Zayn: “I never thought this day would ever come. Met @(Y/T/N) at our concert! Thanks so much for coming out :)”

Harry: “Running into @grimmers is one thing. But running into @(Y/T/N) was definitely a miracle!! Absolutely stunning.”

Louis: “Met @(Y/T/N) at the Manchester United game today! She’s quite funny. I like funny people ;)” Y

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