#79: He Has A Moment With Your Son

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Harry:  This wasn't with your son (because you have 2 daughters), it was with your nephew before you and Harry got married. Harry was in your hometown for Christmas and meeting your extended family after he proposed. You and your nephew Carson had a very special relationship and he could be very protective of you, so he was giving Harry a full interview before taking to him. "So you're marrying my Auntie Y/N?" He asked. Harry smiled and nodded, "Yup." "And will you be together for ever." Carson questioned. "That's the plan." Harry answered smiling at you. "And are you gonna put a baby in her? Like how my dad did to get my little sister." Everyone in the room went silent. But you burst out laughing, poor kid was only 5, he didn't know what he was saying. Harry just shrugged, "Uhh... guilty as charged."

Louis:  On the sidelines, you and your son Nate cheered on his daddy at the charity football game. Nate was only 2, so he was your only child at that moment. After the game ended, you let Nate run onto the field to see his daddy; he was all dressed up in his own football uniform too. "You wanna score a goal?" Louis asked and your son nodded with excitement. Lou set up the ball for him an stood in front of the goal. "Alright buddy, when you're ready!" Nate squealed with joy and kicked the ball as hard as his little legs could. Louis dived and dramatically missed the ball on purpose letting it roll into the goal. The two boys cried out with joy and Nate ran into his Dad's arms to celebrate.

Niall:  You kicked off your heels at the front door after a long day at work, all you wanted was to hang out with your kids. You heard squeals and giggles from upstairs. You followed the laughter upstairs and into your 4 year old son Conor's bedroom. "Daddy stop!" Conor squealed. "Can't stop!" Niall roared, "Must tickle!" You stood there waiting at the door until one them noticed your presence. Niall caught your eye and finally stopped tickling your son, "Hey Babe!" You ignored his greeting, "Conor, was daddy torturing you?" "No! Daddy was bitten by the Tickle Bug." He explained. "Ohhhh..." You pretended to know what that meant. Then Conor whispered in Niall's ear. "You're probably right." Niall agreed. You raised a questioning eyebrow. "The Tickle Bug needs to go tickle Brenna and Niamh. Does Mammy wanna help?" Niall asked as he got up with Conor. "Heck yeah!" You smiled and ran down with your boys for a family tickle fight.

Liam:  It was your turn to do the dinner dishes and Liam's turn to get the twins ready for bed. Your oldest Lucy was helping you clean up since you were very pregnant and tired. "Can I watch TV?" Lucy asked after she was finished helping. "Yeah of course." You agreed then went to check on your husband and the twins. As usual, Ella was all ready for bed while James fought Liam. "You have to brush your teeth Jim Jam. Or bugs will grow in your mouth and rot your teeth." Liam said making you roll your eyes."Nuh uh." Jeames shook his head. Liam was holding him up so he could see himself in the mirror. "Uh huh, the bugs will grow and start doing this to your teeth." He blew a raspberry onto James back. James let out a squeal and giggles, "No Daddy!" "But if you brush your teeth, the bugs can't grow." Liam explained. "Where's the toofpaste?" He asked. You and Liam never bothered correcting how he pronounced toothpaste, it was too cute.

Zayn:  "Alright bud," Zayn said to your son, "We need to surprise Mummy before she wakes up from her nap." But he didn't know you were already awake an just hanging out in bed. "What are we gonna do?" 5 year old Zander asked. "Daddy's gonna shave his beard." Zayn said. Zander asked, "Because Mummy is refusing to give you kisses?" "That is exactly why," Zayn said, "As men, it's our job to do anything to keep the ladies in our life happy." This made you giggle to yourself. About 5 minutes later, you open the bathroom door to find Zayn doing his usual shaving in front of the mirror and Zander standing on the counter at the other mirror with shaving cream all over his face and scraping it off with a spoon. "Look at my two men!" You cooed. "Mummy!" Zander cried, "I'm just like daddy!"

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