#22: New Years..

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Zayn: "Want a drink?" your best friend asks before holding out his arm. You snake your arm into his own, following him into the kitchen. "Can you believe 2013 is gonna be over in like 2 minutes?" he starts, "It’s been way to fast." You nod, reminiscing over the year, "I know. Crazy isn’t it? I’m glad you got to spend New Year’s here though and not on tour." "30 seconds until 2014," he notes. You can feel his body move closer to yours as the clock ticks down. "5! 4! 3!" the crowd cheers, "2! 1!" All of a sudden, you can feel a pair of lips move on your own. It took you a bit to realize who it was, but once you found out it was Zayn, your lips moved in sync with his.

Harry: “I wonder who I’ll be kissing tonight,” he cheekily hints. You rolled your eyes and laughed, “Not me you dick.” “Why not?!” he whines, trailing you from behind. “Because Harry. You’re my friend,” you retorted. Everyone knew you both had a huge crush on each other. “Who are you gonna kiss then huh?” he retorts. You shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll kiss myself.” He waggles his eyebrows, “Can I kiss yourself too?” You playfully hit him on the shoulder, “Oh shut up.” He followed you outside where you stood against the balcony. “You have 10 seconds to change your mind (Y/N),” he reminds. You can hear all of your other friends counting down inside, “1!” “Oh come here,” you mumbled, before smashing your lips against his.

Niall: “This isn’t exactly how I wanted to spend my New Years,” he begins, “I wanted to spend it home.” You rubbed his back, “I know. I know. Think positively. 2013 was an amazing year for you and the boys.” A smile tugs onto his lips, “You always know what to say.” You laughed, “I’m good huh.” “Hey lovebirds! Count down is starting!” Liam calls out. You rolled your eyes, “For the last time Li. We are not lovebirds! I repeat. Not!” The boys and the rest of the staff began to count down, “10!” “Hey (Y/N). I need to tell you something,” he starts. “9!” You nodded, motioning for him to continue. “8! 7! 6!” “Niall? Hurry and tell me!” “5! 4!” “I. Um. I.” “3! 2!” “I like you!” be blurts out. “1!” Before he could say anything else, you started off the New Years with a kiss.

Liam: "C’mon (Y/N)! We don’t want to be late!" Liam calls out from the front door. "You’re mummy always does this to me," he speaks to your 2-year old daughter, Emily. This year, the three of you were spending New Years with Liam’s family. "I didn’t take that long right," you smiled as you got into the car. Emily claps her hands and giggled. "Good girl," you praised as Liam laughed. "We’re here!" Liam cheers as he enters the door of his parents house. "Where’s my lovely granddaughter?" Karen cooed. "Right here," you breathed, passing your daughter on. You all sat down for a good meal and watched a bit of football with the family. "Count down time!" Ruth grinned. You bounced Emily on the side of your hip as Liam wrapped his arms around you. "3! 2! 1" the family chanted. "Here’s to another great year," he says before kissing you.

Louis: ”Look at us. All single and stuff on New Years Eve,” you stated as you took another sip of whatever liquid was in your cup. He chuckles, “Who cares. 2013 was a great year. You got to come on tour with me. That should be enough!” he joked. You playfully glared at him, following him outside to the balcony. “Did you ever get to live out any of the resolutions you made last year?” he notes, “I had one resolution that I didn’t get to achieve.” You dryly laughed, “I don’t think I did really. I had one resolution and didn’t even manage to achieve that.” “What was it?” he asks. The people inside were already counting down. “You tell me yours first!” you motioned. “Okay,” he begins. “10! 9! 8!” “Hurry up Lou!” you shake him. “5! 4!” He smiles at you, not saying a word. “3! 2! 1!” He smacks his lips against yours, “I’ve lived the resolution. Now what was yours?

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