#69: Your Relationship Is Private

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Liam: Walking down the street, you were nervous to hold Liam's hand. It was such a public place, and anyone could see you. Your relationship was very new, and you weren't ready to share it with everyone else. "Maybe we shouldn't..." you trailed off, feeling bad asking him to let go of your hand. He understood where you were going though, and quickly let go, "Sorry." "It's okay." Liam nodded, and stepped slightly further away from you. It felt odd to put distance between you, but it was only in public. The moment you were alone again, you would grab his hand and kiss him, and everything would feel exactly the way it should.

Niall: "I'm not dating [Y/N]," Niall lied to a reporter, and he felt extremely uncomfortable doing so. It was just too new for him. You'd been together for only 2 short weeks, and you were still trying to figure everything out. Having millions of people know about and judge your relationship, before the two of you even knew what it was for sure, just didn't seem like a good idea. You wanted to get to know each other better first, before having so many opinions thrown at you. Those thoughts are what made Niall feel better about lying, even if he did not want to. "She's a good friend, but we're not dating."

Harry: Having Harry all to yourself felt special. It was nice to have no one know about it. Sure your closest friends and family knew, but most people did not anything. It was a decision between you to keep it a secret, and it felt completely right. When you laid in bed together, wrapped in each other's arms, you thought over how special this was. Soon everyone would know about you, and things would change somehow, you couldn't deny that. "I hope things are still this perfect, whenever people find out about us." Harry had no doubts, "It will be. I love you too much to let that change anything."

Louis: You felt so nervous, as Louis leaned over to kiss you. You were sitting in his car, and it was a big step to kiss anywhere outside of your house. No one could see you where you were, but it was still a step towards going public with your relationship. "I love you [Y/N]." You were blushing, as he pulled away from you, "I love you too Louis." With a big smile, Louis turned back to turn on his car, "Maybe soon we can go on a date for real." Laughter fell from your lips after hearing that. After months of dating, that seemed like an odd thing to hear. "That could be nice. It'll feel so weird to actually go anywhere with you. I'm ready though, whenever you are."

Zayn: It was his idea to keep it private. He had seen the way people ripped apart anyone he or the other boys dated, and he didn't want that for you. "What if we only date a month or so, and you're always stuck with that?" he had asked you, when he tried to explain why he thought it was best. He didn't need to though, because you agreed with him right away. Keeping it between you, until you knew for sure you were going to stay together for a while, seemed like a very smart idea. "If we last half a year, we'll tell everyone. If not, then I'll always know I dated you, and we were happy for whatever short time it was."

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