#64: He's Late For A Date Part 2

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Niall: "Please [Y/N]! I'm so sorry!" Niall was banging on your front door, begging for you to let him in, but you were too angry to do that. He had made you so embarrassed when he left you sitting alone in the restaurant, and you were going to make him pay for it. "Niall go away! You were two hours late! Two hours!" "I'm sorry! If I stay out here 2 hours, will that make it up to you? I will do that if I have to!" You rolled your eyes, "Fine Niall, stay outside for two hours, and then I'll let you in." You thought for sure he would leave after a minute or so, but instead he sat down, and stayed right at your door for a little over an hour. You finally let him in after that, feeling a little guilty, even if he had hurt you. "I'm so sorry [Y/N], I'm really sorry." "It's over, you made it up to me. Next time though, don't be late."

Harry: You walked home, tears pouring down your face the entire time. Had you and Harry really just broken up? Or did it just seem that way now? He was the one who was late, so why had he turned it all on you? You got to your apartment, the one you shared with Harry, and hesitantly stepped inside. You tried to seem okay, when you saw Harry sitting on the couch, staring at you as you stepped into the room. "I am sorry [Y/N]. It's not your fault. I was just mad about a lot, and it was easy to just take it out on you when you were yelling at me." You swallowed hard, and tried to steady your voice before speaking, "I just wanted to have a nice night with you." "I know, and I'm sorry. We can still have a movie night here though? If you still want to be anywhere near me." You were still a little hurt, but decided to just snuggle up to Harry and watch a movie. You could talk about it more later, for now you wanted to enjoy your movie night that you had wanted all along.

Louis: "You're this mad because I'm a little late? Come on [Y/N], this is crazy." Louis grabbed a hold on the door, as you tried to slam it shut on him, "I'm not that late, we can still go and do everything we had planned." You shook your head, and decided to just walk away, even if your door was opened. "You just don't get it." "What don't I get? I was late, I get that. I'm here now though." You rolled your eyes, at how clueless he was being, "You think it's okay to be late, say you're sorry, and then all is forgiven. I matter more than that Louis! Or at least I should." You had your back to him, so you did not see Louis walk into your house, you only felt his arms slowly wrap around your waist. "I am so sorry [Y/N]. I don't think that's enough, but it's all I can do. I can say sorry, and make sure tonight is amazing. There is not much more I can do. I do know it's wrong to be late, but it happens." You wanted to argue back, you did, but you just did not have it in you. Losing one fight was not that bad, if it meant maybe Louis would be on time from now on, "Fine, but please be on time next time. I won't have this fight again."

Zayn: "Can't we get dessert [Y/N]?" Zayn asked, while you were busy looking around for the waiter, hoping he would come soon with the bill. "No, we'll be late for the concert I got us tickets for," you answered, smiling right after as your waiter came over to you and put the bill down in the middle of the table. Zayn grabbed the bill right away, and quickly put the money into it, while sighing, "They have the best desserts here though. You'd love one of them." You laughed at how upset he honestly seemed over dessert, "Well next time we'll get something for sure. Now if you had been on time..." "Twenty minutes late, and now it is costing dessert. I won't be late next time, I promise." You laughed a little more, as you stood up and reached for Zayn's hand, "Come on, I don't want to be late for the concert."

Liam: "It's every time we make plans," you cried into Liam's arms, "You are always late, or you cancel, or you are distracted the whole time. I just don't get why you can't spend time with me and enjoy it." Liam held you a little tighter, and he felt so guilty over your tears he had caused, "I'm just busy, but that is no excuse. I want to try harder, but I know you do deserve better than I'm giving you right now." You felt so hurt, and though it was by Liam, he was also the only one you would want to comfort you, "I just want to know I matter." Liam let you go, and gently lifted your chin so you were face to face, "You matter more than anything [Y/N]. I am busy with work, but you matter so much to me. I promise to start to show it more." You bit the inside of your mouth, to stop more tears from falling, and nodded your head, "I trust you, please don't break that." "I won't, now let's go before anyone sees you like this." You forced a laugh, as you wiped your eyes, "Yeah, I'm sure they would make some crazy stories up as to why I was crying." "I'm sure," he replied, while the two of you stood up and began to make your way out of the park.

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