#11: Magazine Article- Niall 3/5

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Niall Horan, the Irish lad of One Direction, was found AGAIN hanging out with the uprising actress (Y/N)! This is the second time they’ve been witnessed together! But this time, they were seen in the LAX airport!

Apparently, Niall flew out from New York after the This Is Us premiere to come and see the actress! How romantic? Or maybe not if they’re just friends. Awhile back, Niall confessed that his celebrity crush was (Y/N)! They haven’t spilled the beans about hanging out quite yet. Let’s hope they confirm something soon!

The Irish lad admitted that he really liked (Y/N) in her new movie, tweeting, “@(Y/T/N) was awesome in her new movie ! might have to watch it again.haha.”

Did (Y/N) notice his Tweet and reply? Of course she did! Who would miss a mention from a cutie like Niall? She tweeted, “Aww! Thanks so much @NiallOfficial! You’re too sweet!”

What do you think of the two? Are they romantically-linked or should they just stick as friends? Let us know down below!

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