#97: You Like Him & He Makes Fun Of You

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Liam:  You and Liam had met a few weeks ago, and you were really starting to like him. You expected to meet him and fangirl, but he was so cool and relaxed and he felt like a normal guy to you. You were going over to his house and you decided you wanted to tell him. You made sure you looked great, and went over. "Hey Y/N" Liam said and he pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back, lingering longer than usual. Liam rubbed your back and you felt safe in his arms. "Want to play a board game?" he asked, and you let go. "Whatcha got, Payner?" you asked him, and he smiled, walking towards the living room. "You know, you're the only girl who's ever called me that" he said as he opened the game chest. You plopped down on the couch. "That's cause I'm the best" you laughed. He laughed too, and pulled out two games. "Life or Monopoly?" he asked, waving them both. "Life" you responded, and he put Monopoly back. You two were playing and then you got to the stop sign where you were supposed to get married. "Pick me out a groom there" you said, pointing to the box. Liam handed you a blue man. "What's his name?" Liam asked. You felt your palms get sweaty and you looked up at him. "Liam...?" you said quietly, and Liam laughed. "Seriously?" he said, looking at your face. "I like you" you blurted out. You covered your mouth, wishing you could put the words back. You wanted to say it so much more gracefully. "You? You like me?" he asked, shocked but smiling. "Yeah." "Why do you like me!? Are you mad?" he said laughing. You weren't sure how to react. "You're a pretty girl and fun and hilarious and you like me? What's wrong with you?" he laughed, looking at you. You giggled "Well I do!" Liam slowly stopped laughing and smiled at you, "Well, I like you too." He leaned over the table and gave you a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Niall:  "Okay, where to now?" Niall asked as you walked out of the movie theatre. You knew your time with him was limited and that you need to make your move before he went on tour tomorrow. It was a big deal that he wanted to spend his last day with you, and you didn't want to chicken out now. "Want to just sit for a sec?" you asked, pointing to a bench. "Sure" Niall nodded, walking over to the bench. "So did you like the movie?" you asked Niall. He looked at you funny. "You did not ask to sit here to talk about how I liked the movie, Y/N" he laughed. You smiled. "Well, there's something I wanted to tell you" you said, playing with your fingers. Niall was looking at you with a curious expression. "So, I wanted to tell you that... Well, I kind of like you. I like you a lot actually. And I just wanted to tell you before you left on tour." Niall was smirking. "What? Don't look at me like that" you said, smacking his arm. "You like me?" he smiled. "Yes Niall" you blushed. Niall got up and started laughing. "What the hell Niall?" you said, smacking his arm again. "You like me. You looooove me. I'm your little leprechaun and you're my princess peach" he laughed. "Oh my god" you said laughing. Niall smirked at you and you rolled your eyes. "I like you too" he said smiling and giving you a hug. You two started to walk back towards the car. "But seriously Nialler, how did you like the movie?" you asked, holding his hand. "I was too nervous to pay attention to it" he said, rounding to the driver side of the car. You both got in. "Why?" you asked, taking his hand. "Because I knew that today I needed to tell you that I liked you. I was nervous to tell you" he laughed. "I hate you" you smiled as he drove off.

Zayn:  Today was the day you told Zayn you liked him. He was coming over for dinner, and you were really nervous. You had on a pretty sundress and looked great. You were just finishing the sauce for your steaks when you heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" you called, giving yourself a once over before going to the door. "Hey babe" Zayn said, opening the door and kissing you on both cheeks. You smiled. "It smells so good in here" he laughed as he sat at the table in the kitchen. You followed in behind him, stirring the sauce and checking the vegetables. "You're like a regular housewife, yeah?" he laughed. You raised your eyebrow at him. You put the food on plates and brought it out. You spent the entire meal trying to muster up the courage to tell him how you feel. "That was delicious, Y/N, thanks" he smiled, letting his cutlery sit on his plate. You smiled, "Thanks Zayn." "I can't help but feel like I'm missing something. It's not your birthday, it's not my birthday... Why are we doing this dinner?" he asked, and you knew you had to tell him. "I wanted to tell you something" you exhaled, feeling the butterflies flutter in your stomach. Zayn looked at you, welcoming you to continue. "So, I really like you a lot and I just wanted to tell you that. Want dessert?" you rushed, standing up. "Woah! Y/N" he took your hand, "You like me?" he asked. "Yeah..." Zayn tried to muffle his laugh. "What?" you said. "You like me! How long have you liked me and not told me? Do you have posters of me in your room that you kiss at night?" he laughed. "Ew shut up" you said, taking his plate and giggling. "You're ridiculous" you sighed, and Zayn took your hip. "I like you too, you goof" he said kissing you. You smiled into the kiss.

Harry:  "Your hair smells nice" Harry said, giving you a hug. "New shampoo" you smiled. You had just met Harry at the golf course. He was going to help you work on your swing, and you were going to try and muster up the courage to tell him how you felt. "Okay, here are your clubs. I borrowed Niall's" Harry smirked, handing a golf bag to you. "Did you ask him?" you questioned, taking the bag and setting it down against the wall behind you. Harry shook his head and you laughed. "Okay, grab the driver" he said, pointing to the bag. You looked at him like he had four heads. "Okay, I'll grab the driver" he laughed, taking it and putting it in your hand. He put his arms around you and on the club. "You are so corny" you said and he chuckled behind you. "Okay, so you have to do a full swing like this" he moved your arms and swung the club. "Give it a try" he said, and he moved to the other side to be able to watch. You swung, and it barely made it off the tee. "I suck at this" you laughed and Harry laughed too. Instead, you watched him hit balls for a bit. He finished his bucket and sat next to you. "Are you even kind of having fun?" he asked. "Yes I am Harry" you smiled. You sat quietly for a few seconds. "So, I wanted to talk to you about something" you said, almost whispering. "Okay, what is it Y/N?" "I like you and I just wanted you to know." There was a silence as you watched Harry's face go from serious, to small smile, to a laugh. "You like me?" he asked, through laughs. "Haz" you said, rolling your eyes and smiling. "You're such a nerd" he said standing up. "That's not the reaction I expected" you said as Harry pulled you up. "What, did you expect me to become a romance novel? 'Oh Y/N, my beautiful maiden'" he started mocking. "Whatever" you said, trying not to laugh. Harry grabbed a golf club and pretended to fight off an enemy. You started to walk away and you felt an arm around your waist. "I like you too" he whispered and you blushed.

Louis:  You and Louis were at an amusement park. You had spent the day together and were having a blast. But you knew you had a mission today. You had to tell Louis you liked him before the day was over, you promised yourself you would. "How about this one?" he asked, pointing to a huge rollercoaster. "Are you sure?" you asked him, hoping he would say he was joking. The coaster was huge, and terrifying. "Don't be such a baby" he said, taking your hand and pulling you in line. You looked up at the coaster and back at Louis. "Don't be scared, its fine" he said. You two chatted until you were getting on the rollercoaster. "Are you okay?" he asked, and you nodded. He took your hand. "Any last words?" he laughed, as the coaster started to climb. "I really like you, like, more than a friend and I wanted to tell you all day but I was too scared" you blurted out as the rollercoaster dropped. You closed your eyes and wouldn't look at Louis. The ride ended and you opened one eye at Louis. "Oh Louis, I like you sooooo much. You're my prince charming" he said in a girly voice, and you made a shocked face. "Louis, be mine valentine" he laughed and you smacked his chest. "That's no way to treat to love of your life" he smiled. You rolled your eyes, "I shouldn't have said anyth-" you were cut off by Louis pressing his lips to yours, feeling him smiling into the kiss. 

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