#60: Cute Moments Alone

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Louis: You and Lou were cuddled up on the couch, spending the rainy day in. You guys were basically spooning, his arm losely draped around your waist, his face buried in your hair. “[Y/N]?” he whispered, barely audible. “Yes, Lou?” you responded. “You are absolutely beautiful, did you know that?” You smiled to yourself and turned to face him, your faces now centimeters apart. He smiled back and leaned into a kiss, which you glady gave in to. After pulling back, you whisper, “I love you, Lou.” He pulls you even closer and replies, “I love you too, [Y/N],” before closing his eyes, slowly nodding off to sleep. 

Liam: You were in the kitchen baking cupcakes when Liam walked in and wrapped his arms around you from behind. You were icing them when he says, “Those look good!” You laugh and reply, “You can have one when we get to Nialler’s!” “But I want one now!” he begs, giving you his best puppy eyes. You turn around but his arms trap you against the counter. He pickes you up and sets you on top of it, wiping some icing on your nose. “Liam!” you giggle, reaching over for icing for yourself before he stops you. “No!” he says before leaning in for a kiss. Your noses touch, and when he releases you see green icing on his nose as well. He pulls his phone out to take a picture of the both of you and tweets it with the caption, “We’re just the cutest! Xx” 

Niall: You and Niall were taking a walk in the park since it was his day off. “It’s kinda cold!” you say, crossing your arms to keep yourself warm. “Aww, Princess. Here take this,” he says, slipping off his jacket. “No Niall, I don’t want you to freeze too!” “No! [Y/N] take it!” he insists. You slip it on, and it’s so big that it keeps you toasty. “Fine, but you need to come here,” you say, pulling your boyfriend closer. You wrap your arms around him and say, “Now it’s my job to keep you warm.” You keep him close, your bodies keeping the heat together. He leans down and kisses your nose. “You are just too cute. How did I get so lucky?” he’ll say as the two of you continue your walk.

Zayn: Zayn was chasing you around the house, neither of you could remember why, but he was. “Come here [Y/N]!” he yelled, the both of you on opposite sides of the table. “You gotta catch me first, Zayn!” you yell, making a run for it down the hall. You get pretty far until you fair a pair of strong arms wrap around you and pin you to the ground. “Gotcha!” he says, laughing. You laugh too, so he starts tickling you. “Babe! Babe! Stop!” you beg, trying to wiggle out of his grip. He stops but he’s still pinning you to the ground. He looks right into your eyes and says, “I love you, boo.” You smile before saying, “I love you too, baby.” He leans into a kiss and you give it back. He leans back and helps you up, carrying you to the couch where you spend the rest of the day cuddling and talking. 

Harry: Harry was on the couch when he asked you to join him. “[Y/N] come here, pleaseeee,” he asked. He sat down next to him, and he rested his head in your lap. You ran your hands through his curls and asked, “Did you need something?” He shakes his head no and replies, “Not really, I just wanted you to play with my hair and talk to me.” You smile to yourself and ask, “Well is there anything you wanna talk about?” “Well, yeah…there is. What do you see in your future?” You think for a bit before saying, “I guess I see a family, a house, a job of course. Why? What do you see?” He sit for a little before grabbing a bag off the coffee table. “Well, I see the band and the boys of course, but I also see you. And I promise that you will be in my future with this.” He pulls out a small box with a promise ring. He slips it onto your finger before whispering, “One day, babe. One day.”

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