#53: Meeting Him At The Airport After A Tour

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Niall: You had no idea why you were nervous. Sitting in the chairs provided at the airport, you anxiously drummed your fingers against your thigh, something you didn’t realize you did until Niall had pointed it out one day. There’s no reason to be having an anxiety attack, you told yourself, trying to calm your nerves. In the midst of your thoughts you hadn’t seen the screen in front of you change Niall’s flight from “flying” to “arrived”. Soon after realizing that your boyfriend was finally home you felt a tap on your shoulder. “Waiting for someone?” You grinned at the sound of his Irish accent and you turned around, immediately throwing your arms around his neck. He laughed and wrapped his own arms around your waist, “The plan actually was to have you run into my arms but you looked occupied.” You shook your head against his neck, “Too corny Ni, stop.” You felt the vibrations through his chest as he laughed, “Let’s go home.” 

Liam: Being his usual self, Liam had told you to wait in the car outside of the airport. He knew fans would be waiting for him and he didn’t want you getting hurt. You would love to greet him right as he gets off the plane but by the look of the mob of girls trying to fight through security, it wasn’t the safest idea. Your eyes widened when you saw two security guards drag a girl away, but your attention was diverted to your phone resting on the console of the car. Almost out babe, the text read and you couldn’t help but grin at the fact that you finally get to see your boyfriend after months. You heard a tap on your window and your eyes widened when you saw Liam anxiously looking over his shoulder at the oblivious girls. Once he saw you reach for the button to unlock the door he immediately yanked it open, getting in and throwing his backpack in the backseat. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at you, “Well now that that’s settled…” You felt his hands on your face as he pulled you in for a kiss. 

Louis: “Shit, shit, shit,” you continuously cursed, quickly grabbing your keys and practically running to your car. You had overslept and were late to picking up Louis from the airport. You felt terrible that you were making him wait while all the other boys had someone there already. You had gone over the speed limit a good amount of times but you were finally at the airport. Your parking job was terrible but you ignored it; you were only focused on getting to Louis as fast as you could. After dodging people and suitcases you had finally spotted him sitting down on one of the airport chairs, smiling at something on his phone. “Louis,” you said to get his attention. He looked up and smiled at you, immediately standing up to give you a proper hug. He stopped short however, concern filling his eyes, “Babe what’s-“ “I’m so sorry I’m late! You must have been waiting here for so long. I’m a terrible-“ His laugh cut you off and he pulled you in for a hug, kissing the top of your head, “You’re so cute babe. I’m glad I’m home.” 

Zayn: “Ethan don’t play with that,” you warned the 1 year old as he began to pull at a small table’s legs. Your son looked at you with his innocent hazel eyes and you wondered how you would be able to stay mad at him when he resembled your husband so much. You picked him up from the ground and placed him on your lap. “Are you excited to see daddy?” you asked, fixing his shirt. He looked at you curiously before saying some gibberish and playing with your earrings. You laughed and let him mess about so you could look for Zayn. “Daddy?” You grinned as Ethan poked your cheek, repeating the word once again. “Yeah Ethan, aren’t you excited?” you tickled his stomach and he laughed, squirming in your hold. A few minutes into messing with your son you heard a shutter go off and you frowned, afraid that a pap was harassing you two once again. You looked up; about to tell the person off but only saw Zayn, grinning as he lowered his phone. “Sorry love, I just had to get a picture. You two looked adorable,” he closed the gap between you two and gave you a kiss, lips lingering on yours. “I missed you,” he said just so you could hear. 

Harry: “Sorry again babe,” you said into your cell phone. You heard Harry sigh and you knew he was upset, “S’alright I guess. I just wish you could be there to pick me up.” Louis was actually the one to suggest that you pull a little prank on Harry. When you had first told him that you couldn’t get him from the airport he was so upset that it almost made you tell him the truth. But you stuck with your plan and you knew it would pay off once you saw the look of surprise on his face. Louis had texted you what time they would be arriving so you were all set once six o’clock rolled around. The airport was busy as usual; the amount of bustling people hid you well. You saw Harry first and he looked gutted; his hands gripped tightly to his carry-on and he kept his eyes on his feet. “Don’t look too sad babe,” you said once you walked up to him. You smiled at the look of pure surprise on your boyfriend’s face. His shock soon wore off to him narrowing his eyes at you but none the less he practically tackled you, giving you multiple kisses, “I hate you, you know that?” You laughed and held onto him tightly, “I know.”

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