#25: Wedding Night

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Harry: You both stumble into the hotel room, hands all over each other as kisses are being paced. He shrugs off his jacket, messily throwing it on the floor. His bow tie and shirt soon join the pile. He helps you unclasp your dress. You carefully put it to the side. His arms encircles around your waist as your arms are locked around his neck. You both carefully fall onto the bed, lips still inseparable. “I love you so much,” he mumbles against your lips. You can feel your lips curve into a smile, “I love you too.”

Niall: Drunken laughs fill the hallways of the hotel as you two run hand-in-hand to your room. He slams the door behind him. Giving you a sly smirk, he throws his jacket to the side. “Come here,” he cheekily says, pulling you in closer to him. He presses his lips against your lovingly. You smile through the kiss as you unbutton his shirt. He helps you undo your dress with your lips still attached. Lifting you up, he lays you on the bed. Placing his forehead against yours, he whispers, “I love you Mrs. Horan.”

Louis: “You don’t have to do this Lou,” you laugh as he struggles to carry you bridal style to your hotel room. He drops you on the bed, “Done!” You roll your eyes and giggle, “We would’ve been here an hour ago if you hadn’t carried me.” He shrugs and unbuttons his shirts. Lying next to you, he wraps an arm around your waist. He looks at you for a moment then leans in for a kiss, “I am officially married to a goose.” You push him off the bed and chuckle, “I’m married to a lunatic. That’s for sure.”

Zayn: As you both get into your hotel room, Zayn slides off is jacket and undoes his shirt, sloppily flinging it across the room.  You smirk, unclasping your dress, carefully slipping out of it. His arms immediately wrap around your torso, pulling your body into his. Kisses are being trailed from your collarbone to your lips. He lifts you up, placing you on the bed. His lips return to yours instantly with his hands traveling up your body. “You are finally mine forever,” he mutters in between kisses. You smile, “I was always yours to keep.”

Liam: “I think that was the best wedding I’ve ever been too,” you joke, letting your tired self fall onto the bed. “I wonder why,” he laughs, falling down next to you. You cuddle up against him, laying your head against his chest. “I’m tired,” you say, letting out a yawn. He repeats your actions, “Me too.” You let out another yawn, “You think we can just sleep for tonight?” He smiles down at you, kissing the top of your head, “Of course. I love you. Always have and always will. Though I’d let you know once more.”

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