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Harry: Sobs rack her body. Watching her fall apart right in front of me is too much to bear. I use my hands to cup her face as I pull her in for a kiss. She rests her head on my chest and her hands travel up to my curls. She runs her fingers through them, knowing it calms her down. My hands hold her tightly to my chest, letting her cry all her pain out.

Liam: I watch as she shivers, the rain pouring down on both of us. She smiles that beautiful smile and wraps her arms around my neck. My hands make their way around her waist and we begin to sway back and forth, no music needed. One of her hands pulled away to cup my cheek as he stood up on her tiptoes and pecked my lips. Our foreheads leaned against each other as we shared this perfect moment.

Niall: The paparazzi surrounded us. Both of us didn’t do well with crowds so we each had our own little ways of making each other feel safe. Her fingers entangled themselves with mine and her body pressed into my side. I maneuvered myself so I was behind her and my arms held her tightly in front of me. Knowing that she was safely in my sight made me feel better knowing we were unable to be separated at a time like this.

Zayn: I felt the bed sink beside me. I knew (Y/N) had just gotten off ‘one of the worst shifts ever’ as she put it. I heard her sigh so I turned towards her. She had bloodshot eyes and just looked torn down. I stretched out my arm to pull her into me. She didn’t hesitate as she turned to bury her face in my t-shirt. My hand traveled down to the small of her back, racing small circles until I heard the deep breathing of her sleeping body. Finally feeling content, I turned the lights off and placed a kiss to her forehead before falling asleep myself.

Louis: (Y/N) and I were goofing around our flat. She was just about to get away from me when my arms reached out and grabbed her waist. She let out a playful squeal as I threw her over my shoulder and carried her to our living room fort. I set her down and she crawled inside. I followed her and we both sat inside, letting the laughter die down. When it finally did, I crawled over to her and sat next to her. My finger reached under her chin as I placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me as I did the same. She started to trace small circles and I kissed her forehead. These small gestures were enough to let each other know that we really did love each other.

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