#46: Another Boy Makes You Cry In Front Of Him

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Harry: Looking at the blonde boy, you couldn’t believe the words that just fell from his lips, and neither could Harry. “Niall, how dare you!” Harry boomed as the tears gathered in the corners of your eyes, your attempt to blink them away failing as they began to drip down your cheeks. “Harry I-” Niall tried to save himself, but your boyfriend was having none of it. “My girlfriend is not clingy and she is not a problem maker how could you even think to say those things! Apologize, now, or I’m going to break your nose,” Harry threatened in a low tone. “(Y/N) I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it…” he stammered out, backing away from Harry’s dangerous scowl. Your boyfriend turned to you, placing his hands on your cheeks and gently wiping the tears away. “Don’t pay any mind to him… He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

Liam: Standing in the kitchen, you listened as Liam shouted at Zayn for the little incident that happened earlier. You still didn’t understand why Zayn had so much hatred for you. Out of nowhere, he had started lashing out on you, telling that you were no good for Liam and that he deserved much better. It was enough to send you to the kitchen in tears just as Liam had walked in and now you were just waiting for someone to come in. A few minutes later, your boyfriend came in, the distant doing of the front door shutting echoed through the house. “Liam..?” you whispered, wiping your cheeks and walking over to him. “You know what he says is bullshit right?” the older boy said softly, coming over to engulf you up in his arms. Your words were too muffled to properly answer but you nodded softly. “Good… Because no one will ever be as amazing as you.”

Niall: ”Louis, what the hell did you do?!” Niall shouted, having walking in on Louis and you standing a few feet apart, tears streaming down your face. “You made my girlfriend cry? What is your problem?” Louis rolled his eyes. “Tell her to stop playing victim I just told her that her jeans were a little too small!” Niall’s eyes widened. Your weight was a sensitive subject, especially after all the backlash you got about it in high school. “Louis of course I’m going to cry! You called me fat!” “I did not! I said your jeans were too small but you know what (Y/N), now that I look closer maybe you are a little chunky,” Louis hissed, everything spewing from anger. The tears fell more freely, but before you could reply, Niall had Louis out of the house. “Princess…” He frowned, coming back over to you. “Am I…?” you asked shyly. “No. No you are not you’re absolutely beautiful and I love every single inch.”

Zayn: "Does she really have to join us?" Harry groaned, watching you as you gathered up your things. Your eyes looked up at his before over to your boyfriend. "Harry…" Zayn replied in a warning tone, but Harry kept pushing. "I mean, yeah, she’s great, but she’s so clingy don’t you think?" Clingy? We’re you clingy? "I don’t have to go…" you cut in softly, setting your bag back down. "No, (Y/N), you’re coming," Zayn said, nodding his head and taking your hand in his. "Harry, what is your problem?" Zayn hissed, gripping onto your hand. "My problem is that your little girlfriend over here feels the need to come along to every little thing we do." "I invite her and she accepts because she supports me!" Harry laughed dryly. "Lies, she just wants all the fame and attention. She’s a fucking gold digger!" You looked at Harry quickly, tears gathering up in your eyes before looking down. "Leave Harry," Zayn said in a dangerously low tone. "Fine, have fun with your little mind controller," he grumbled, slamming the door. Your boyfriend turned to you, taking your other hand as well. "I love you," is all he says, pressing his lips onto yours. He knew the truth and that was what mattered.

Louis: "Liam Payne,how dare you say such a thing!" you yelled, glaring at him. Liam opened up his mouth to say somthing but before he could, Louis ran into the room, standing in between the two of you. "Hey, hey! What on earth is going on here?!" You looked towards your boyfriend, feeling the tears start to swell up in your eyes. "Liam’s telling me that I cheated on you and I didn’t Louis, I swear. But he keeps telling me that it’s only a matter of time until I do and when it happens, you’ll be way better off!" you explained shakily, furiously wiping away the tears that were threatening to fall. "Liam," he started, turning towards the younger boy. "How could you say such a dispicable thing?" Liam suddenly had a look of guilt on his face. "I just… Louis, she’s not good for you," he said quietly. "And how do you know that?" your boyfriend snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. "I… I don’t…" "Exactly. So I suggest you leave before you cause anymore issues." Liam nodded, turning to leave swiftly. "Awe baby don’t cry…" Louis frowned turning his attention to you. "I know you wouldn’t cheat on me baby…" "Never," you sniffled looking up at him. He nodded, putting his arms around you. "I know baby… I know.

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