#66: You're Recognized By Fans

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Harry: You were slightly taken aback when 4 teenage girls screamed your name, and ran over to you excitedly while you were trying to shop in your local mall. "You're [Y/N], right?" The one who was nearest to you asked that, with a huge smile plastered over her face. "Um, yes. I'm sorry, do I know you?" "No, we're just fans of Harry." Your felt even more in shock, because you had never been recognized before when you were not with Harry. "We just wanted to come over and say we're so glad you make Harry so happy. Is there any way we can get a picture?" "Um," you hesitated because it felt so weird for anyone to want your photo, but you did not want to be rude to the fans and say no, "I guess so."

Louis: "I'm almost there," you said into your phone, while you walked across a busy intersection going towards where Louis was waiting for you in a small restaurant, "I'll see you in about two minutes." Louis had begun to respond to you, right as someone stepped directly infront of your path. "Excuse me," you said nicely, when the girl did not move. "You're Louis' girlfriend?! Wow! I can't believe I'm meeting Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend!" On the phone, you could hear Louis laughing as the girl gushed on and on to you, "So the fans found you this time. This is a twist."

Liam: "No way, that's her." There were two girls arguing right behind you, as you stood in a long line waiting to buy lunch. They had been going back and forth for 2 minutes now, but you were not sure what the topic was about. "It is not, watch." Suddenly, one of the two girls tapped you on the shoulder. You turned your head around, "Hmm?" "I know this is stupid, but are you [Y/N]?" "What?" You were it utter shock to be recognized by random strangers, it was such a strange thing. "Um, Liam Payne, from One Direction, his girlfriend [Y/N] looks a lot like you, and we actually thought you were her. Take that as a huge compliment, she's beautiful. She seems really rude, but she is beautiful." You were not sure if you should smile or frown as you replied, "Actually, I am [Y/N]."

Niall: The first pictures of you and Niall had gotten out only the day before. No one knew of you two until then, but now it was everywhere. Knowing that, you still did not expect to be recognized by a group of 12 year olds, as you were at the store buying a few groceries for a meal you were cooking Niall that night. "So you actually get to spend time with Niall?" You nodded kindly to the excited girls, "Yeah, I do." "Wow, you're so lucky!" You already knew how lucky you were to have Niall, but having a group of total strangers tell you that, made you realize it even more.

Zayn: You were sitting alone in a library, quietly reading a book, when you were recognized by a group of teenage girls. ""You're even prettier than the pictures show," one of them gushed, nervously trying to just say anything to be able to talk to you; someone so close to her idol. A second girl nodded, "You really are!" Another of the girls though, rolled her eyes at that comment. She was the only one not excited about seeing you. "She's not that pretty. Zayn could do a million times better." You chose to ignore her harsh comment, even if it stung. The other girls were being so kind to you, and that was what you had to focus on in the moment. "Thank you girls so much."

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