#104: He Reads Your Text In A Interview

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Harry:  You were backstage watching Harry and the boys doing their interview. You were popping M&Ms and watching on the small TV. "So, who's single?" the interviewer asked, and you leaned back on the couch. Niall was the only one to keep his hand down. "Alright, no surprise there. Niall, still playing the field" the interviewer laughed, and he nodded. "Alright, spoken for boys, I want you to all get your phones out. I know you have them, take them out" the interviewer said, and the boys all laughed and fished their phones out. "Alright, Harry you first, read the last text Y/N sent you" the interviewer asked, and your eyes widened. "No no no" you said, covering your mouth. "Okay" Harry laughed. "Oh, there's a new text from her here" he laughed, opening your conversation. He immediately blushed and you buried your face in your hands. "What you got, lover boy?" Louis asked, poking him. "Uh, she said 'you look so sexy in those pants, can't wait to get them off you'" Harry said. The crowd erupted in laughter and gasps, and you had to laugh too. When you left, people commented about it and you and Harry were red as tomatoes.

Zayn:  Zayn did a magazine spread, and the day it hit newsstands you went out and bought it. You flipped through to Zayn's page and smiled. It talked about all the achievements Zayn has made. There was a block about his early life, his family, his style and his music. "How's it look?" Zayn asked, dropping down beside you on the couch. "It's cute! Last page" you said, flipping it. It was covered with pictures of you two. "Should have known" you laughed, and Zayn smirked. You read all about how you two met, what Zayn liked best about being with you and what he wanted for your future. Then, at the bottom there was an image of a cellphone. "Our most recent text?" you asked, and Zayn laughed. "They thought it would be cute" he said, and you shook your head smiling. "'Have a great day, good luck with the magazine. Don't forget milk" you read, and you and Zayn burst out laughing. Underneath it read 'guess celebrity boyfriends have to do lists, too', which caused even more laughter.

Niall: Niall was on a radio interview, and you were driving to a friend's and listening. "So Niall, you're seeing someone right?" the interviewer asked, and you and Niall both laughed in unison. "That is correct" he responded. He talked about you for a little while, and it made you smile. "So how do you two communicate while you're away?" the woman asked. "Mainly trough texting" Niall responded simply as you pulled up out front of your friend's. "Well, let's do this. What's the last text you have from her?" the woman laughed, and Niall giggled too. "Okay, it says 'good luck today babe, hope you do well in your interview. I will be home at around six and I will bring dinner. If you can't wait, there's left over pasta in the fridge. I love you' and then she put a smiley face" Niall said sweetly. The interviewer aw-ed, and the interview ended. You got a ton of twitter notifications from fans talking about how cute you and Niall were.

Liam:  You and Liam were both on a talk show doing an interview. You were actually requested to come to interviews with Liam a lot, and management loved it because of your likeability. "Alright, so we're back with Liam and Y/N and we're going to play this oh so popular game of Truth or Dare" the woman said, and you and Liam smirked. "Alright, we'll go lady's first. Y/N, truth or dare." You thought about it for a second before responding truth. "Hmm, okay, is the love you feel for Liam unlike any love you ever felt before?" the interviewer asked, and Liam turned to you. "Duh" you laughed, and the audience applauded. "How sweet. Okay Liam, truth or dare?" the woman asked, and Liam smiled. "Dare" he responded, and your eyes widened. "You have your phone on you, yes?" the woman asked Liam, and he nodded. "Alright, read the last text Y/N sent you" she smirked. You hadn't texted Liam in a while, having been together, so you were curious. "Okay, here we go" Liam said, pulling out his phone. "It says 'Liam you know I love you! don't let those morons get to you. You have made me, your family and yourself proud. Chin up, sexy'" Liam said, blushing at the last phrase. "What can I say?" you asked, pointing at Liam. Everyone laughed, and thought you two were ever more adorable.

Louis:  "Alright, you know I have a habit of asking weird questions" the interviewer said to Louis, and you smirked. He was doing a TV interview alone, and you were watching from home. They had just started talking about you, and the fact that the interviewer was bringing up 'weird questions' and your name at the same time made you a little anxious. "Yes, I know" Louis said, laughing nervously. "Well, I want you to read the last text your beautiful girlfriend Y/N sent you" he said, and you gasped. You grabbed your phone and looked. You and Louis had been sexting last night. "That's easy" Louis said, clearly forgetting that the last text you sent him was definitely not made for TV. You raced through your contacts to text Louis. You sent him the message and took a deep breath. "Oh, she just messaged me" he said, opening your conversation. "'Don't you dare, you cheeky boy' with a winking face" Louis read, confused. The crowd laughed and even the interviewer thought it was pretty funny. When he got home, you explained what had happened. "Thank god for you" Louis laughed, kissing your forehead.

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