#5: Twitcam

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Niall: “So we’re backstage right now and I’ve got a special guest for this!” he smiles into the camera. You sat to the side, playing with your phone. He gets up and drags you across the room to get you to the laptop. “You guys know (Y/N) right?” he says, singing your song right after. You push him to the side, “I’ll be takin’ over this Twitcam!” “Hey! Scoot over!’ he laughs, wrapping an arm around your neck. Soon, #(Y/S/N) was trending!

Louis: “The boys are all sleeping right now. So me and (Y/N) are gonna pull a prank,” he snickers as you wave into the camera. “Let’s do this,” he whispers before applying whipped cream all over Harry’s palm. You lightly swept the feather over his nose. He grumbled, causing the both of you to jump back. You shrugged and moved his arm, causing him to smother his face in the white cream. “He’s waking up! Run!” Louis screams, pulling you behind him.

Zayn: “Guess where we’re at!” he says, showcasing the tattoo parlor, “Oh. And I’m not the one getting tatted.” He moves the camera towards you. You stuck out your tongue, making a peace sign. “You nervous?” he questions, sitting himself down next to you. “Obviously. It’s my first tattoo guys!” you cheered. “If you need me, I’ll hold your hand,” he jokes, facing the camera on the both of you. “Oh shut it.”

Harry: “Look who’s come to join me!” he grins, turning around in his chair, motioning for you to come and say hi to the fans. “That’s right guys. A girl is in my hotel room!” he jokes. You rolled your eyes, “This is technically my hotel room. His room is currently being used to record,” you reveal. He starts to blast music on his phone and starts dancing around. You laugh hysterically, joining him. You both forget that the Twitcam was even on. There was a ton of GIF’s of your dance party the next day!

Liam: He walks around with his laptop, giving the fans a tour of everything that went on backstage. “Oh. Let’s go check on (Y/N)! It’s her birthday today!” he says, knocking on your dressing room door. When you open it, he immediately sings happy birthday to you. “Happy birthday (Y/N)!” he cheers, “You’re on Twitcam right now! Say hi!” You waved to the camera happily. You both sat down and answered Twitter questions. “Would you ever date each other?” Liam reads aloud. “This thing? I think I’ll pass!” you giggled. “Hey! I would make a good boyfriend!” he whines.

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