#50: You're Older Than Him

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Harry: Being older than your boyfriend not only sent the media into a frenzy, but also rekindled the jokes about Harry’s choice in women. Even though he was no longer a teenager, people still frowned upon your relationship with him. His past caught up to him, gossip sites constantly bringing up his previous endeavors. “You shouldn’t read any of that babe.” You jumped at the sound of his husky voice behind you, quickly shutting your laptop. He gave you a stern look, this being the fourth time this week he’s caught you reading the hate your relationship received. He kissed your forehead gently. “Those websites are full of shit,” he muttered against your skin, eyes softening as he looked at you. You nodded in agreement and gave him a small smile, thankful that Harry was so strong despite all the obstacles in your relationship. 

Liam: Liam is no stranger when it comes to having an age gap in a relationship. He however did not take the talk about you two so warmly. “Fucking ridiculous,” Liam spat as he finally entered the flat you two shared. You kept quiet, placing your keys on the counter as you followed him into the kitchen. He was fuming: the paparazzi wasted no time in finding the whereabouts of you and Liam in London. And when they did only insults were thrown at you, causing Liam to almost knock one of the poor blokes out. “Babe it’s okay,” you said quietly, weary of his short temper at the moment. He laughed dryly and looked up at you, eyes furious, “What they said to you was not okay.” You sighed and rubbed his back soothingly, “It wasn’t. But I won’t let it get to me.” He took a deep breath before looking at you, seeming more at ease. “What would I do without you?” he breathed, encasing you in a hug. 

Louis: What was supposed to be a nice meal with your family turned into a shouting match between your father and Louis. Your dad wasn’t too keen on the age gap and it definitely showed through the glares he was giving him. And now you sat in the passenger seat of Louis’ car, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “Are you mad at me?” Louis asked quietly, gripping the steering wheel. You looked at your boyfriend sadly, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Why would I be?” He gulped and pulled over to the side of the road, sighing as he turned to you, “For yelling at your father. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I’m not good enough for you. I-“ “Are you kidding me?” you cut him off, disbelief dripping from your voice, “my dad could not be more wrong. I love you. I haven’t let those damn paparazzi ruin our relationship and I’m not going to let my father either.” He smiled at you and shook his head, leaning in to kiss you. “I love you too,” he said simply against your lips.

Niall: You clutched the pillow, burying your head into it. Your breathing was uneven and all that could be heard were your constant sniffles. After one too many encounters with the harsh paparazzi insulting your relationship with Niall you finally had enough, finding your way back to the flat and to the bedroom, trying to get yourself together before Niall came home from the studio. Your luck ran out once again however when you heard Niall’s footsteps coming towards you. “Babe?” he muttered just loud enough for you to hear. He heard your sniffles and that was enough for him to strip down and change into his favorite sweats, climbing into bed with you. “Are they bothering you again?” he asked sadly, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. You nodded and he sighed, planting a kiss on the back of your neck, “I love you. Please don’t let them get to you.” 

Zayn: Because of all the hate you two receive due to your age difference Zayn is extremely protective. He would rarely let you go to places alone, even if it was just to grab some groceries for dinner. You knew he meant no harm; he was just trying to protect you and you were thankful for that. But you also knew that he couldn’t protect you from everything, which was proven when you two were mobbed by screaming fans and frenzied reporters. He followed you closely as you two tried to maneuver the way towards his Bentley. The chatter was distinct, harsh words directed at you. Zayn’s hands moved to rest on your waist, his warm breath hitting your ear as he leaned in to soothe you, “Don’t listen baby. Just keep walking.” You nodded in response and focused on Zayn’s comforting hands on you as you two finally made it to his car

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