#39: Music Video

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Harry- You sat on Harry’s makeup chair, watching the boys be fools in front of the camera. Lip syncing to their newest #1 single. You were enjoying yourself by singing along and dancing (squirming) in your chair to the beat. The side door opened, bringing in un-needed light. There she was. Harrys lover for the video, the thought just made you sick. Some slut was going to kiss your boyfriend. You immediately crossed your arms over your chest as she walked by you. “Jealous.” Harry mouths. You rolled your eyes, straightening back up. So what of you were jealous. “Okay, Lilly. I need you to dance with Dani, Rose and Valerie. Girls wave.” The three girls waved, she scowled moving swiftly across the set. The five boys eyes following her every move making you scoff. “1,2,3 ACTION!” The beat came back as everyone started to dance. Lilly giving Harry flirtatious looks while she danced. “Now, Harry kiss her.” You placed your hand over your eyes and turned into your seat. “Great job, take ten.” Yu sighed thankfully. Harry strutted over to you with a cocky smirk. “Someone’s very, very jealous.” He chuckled placing his big hands on the arm rest, standing between your legs. “No I’m not, I’m just worried she could give have given you the kissing disease.” “Don’t worry about it baby, you’re my only girl.” He said reading right through your lie, giving you a long kiss on the lips.

Niall- “And.. KISS!” The director yelled over the blasting music. Nialls lips met with Alexandra’s. You decided not to get jealous over this, he only had eyes for you right. “Cut! Great job everybody.” Only four boys came off the stage, giving you small hugs before heading over to get water. You looked back on the set to see Alexandra and Niall still lip-locking. “Harry, come here for a second.” You fumed, biting the inside of your cheek.  ”Yeah babe.” “Kiss me.” You demanded. “I’m not going to that to-” “Goddamn Harry just kiss me.” His eyes got wide as his warm lips connected to yours. It was a nice kiss but not as good as Nialls. You opened your eyes briefly to see a furious Niall stomping over, puling Harry by the hair away from you. “How was your kiss with Alexandra?” You asked. “It seemed to last about ten seconds. Wow, go Niall.” You cheered making the boys snicker behind the two of you. “I could ask the same thing about you and Harry?” “He was fantastic.” You moaned grabbing a cookie of the counter. He pushed you up the edge of the counter, arms on either side of you. “You’re mine, always mine.” He growled, smashing your lips with his.

Louis-   Before he went on set he peppered your face with kisses. Which surprised you, Louis and you were never into PDA. So, why start now. You sat by Lou who was scrolling through twitter. She showed you a tweet making you look down and laugh. When you looked up to see some other girl sucking Louis face. You stood up from your chair about to go stomp on that set when Lou pulled you back. “Calm down babe.” She giggled. The director called cut, Louis slowly made his way to you. With crossed arms and a deathly glare. “I love you.” He said uneasy with a smile. “Why didn’t you tell me?” You questioned with eyes raised. “I didn’t want you to get- get jealous.” He mumbled with his head down. “Louis, you should know by now that I will get jealous either way.” You giggled slightly bringing him into a hug. Waiting for the girl to look over before smashing your lips to Louis. Mouthing a quick. “Mine.”

Liam- “I don’t want to do it.” He whined, Liam’s face buried in your neck. Placing kisses there ever so often. “You have to Liam, it’s your job.” You sighed rubbing his back. “It’s just a kiss anyway.” You whispered, kissing the top of his head.  ”Liam we need you on set!” One of the staff members ushered him. He gave you a kiss on the cheek before fallowing him. Once you got on the set, the director was giving specific instructions to Liam and Annabelle for their kiss, which you never wanted to happen. You were the only one who was supposed to kiss him. “You’re drunk and you kiss her. This kiss is going to get heated so your going to hop hear up o the island in the kitchen right there and you’re done.” You cringed watching them take their places. Gagging when they kissed obnoxiously loud making Louis laugh. When they finished you walked up to the couple who were chit chatting. Pulling Liam into a hug, the girl scoffed at you making you flick her off behind Liam’s back.

Zayn- You were a back up dancer, a.k.a Zayns best friend. He got you the job which you were so thankful for. You were having the time of your laugh just goofing around with the five boys you have just started calling your best friends. Out of the blue during the bridge another dancer kissed Zayn. Your eyes went wide, walking up to them braking them apart. “Excuse me he’s mine.” You snapped bringing your lips to Zayn. Zayn was surprised at first relaxed into the kiss. Snaking his hands to your waist. While you twirled his dark locks wit your fingers. The director used you and Zayns kiss for the video.

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