#72: The Boys Don't Like You Part 2

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Liam: You could have faked a smile the next time you saw Louis, but he already thought you were fake; so you didn't. "Please smile," Liam whispered to you, desperate to see your smile that he loved. At the same time, Louis also noticed your frown, "Are you okay [Y/N]?" You hesitated a little as Louis asked you that, but felt the best thing to do was be honest, "No, I'm not." He didn't know Liam had told you what he said, so he wondered what was wrong; and that showed on his face. "I just don't want to fake a smile, and be called fake again," you said, not sure if that sounded right. Louis' face fell, and he felt horrible that you knew what he had said, "I'm sorry [Y/N]. I said what everyone thinks, but I didn't want to hurt you. Once we know you better, I'm sure what we think will change. Just be yourself."

Louis: "We can all see you're trying," Zayn said to you randomly, when it was just the two of you. "Trying?" You asked, not quite sure what he was talking about. He nodded his head, "I know we have never been the nicest to you, and it's clear you're trying to change our opinions on you." You realized now what he was talking about, and suddenly felt uncomfortable, "I've always tried to make you all like me." "I know, but lately it's been different. We all noticed." You shrugged, "I finally cried my eyes out to Louis, and then stopped caring. I guess I was trying too hard before." Zayn did not know what to say after hearing that, "I - I'm...." "Don't worry. Like I said, I finally stopped worrying so much. I over thought before, and clearly it did nothing good."

Niall: "Why do I keep hearing you two broke up?" Harry questioned, even though he could clearly see you and Niall sitting together, as close as ever. You smiled to yourself, "People just think that." Harry didn't understand what was going on at all, "Am I missing something?" Niall decided to reply this time, "The rumor about us breaking up started, and we didn't stop it. It was [Y/N]'s idea. Maybe now you'll realizes she's not with me to brag about it. It doesn't matter to us what everyone else thinks." Harry was honestly surprised by that, but it was good surprised, but he still had doubts. "People will figure out the truth soon enough though." "Not right away. We're going to be more private now." You responded, hoping this would make things better, "I'm with Niall rather anyone knows or not. I told you I love him, and I meant that. I hope this shows you that."

Zayn: "Just stop," Zayn snapped at his friends, as for the first time he saw the way they treated you, "[Y/N] has done nothing wrong. She always tries to be nice to all of you. She even asked me not to say anything, because she cared more about our friendship then her feelings." All eyes were now on you, and you felt so embarrassed, "I don't mind..." "Yes, you do," Zayn cut you off, not wanting you to allow this to continue on any longer, "Tell them the truth. Maybe they'll realize how much it hurts you." You looked down at the ground, as you replied hesitantly, "It does hurt a lot. I just don't understand what I did wrong." After a few moments, a hand was on your shoulder, and you recognized Niall's voice, "Maybe we should all start over. Zayn loves you though, so you can't be so horrible. I am sorry, I know we've been pretty awful to you."

Harry: "You were amazing!" You said that to Harry, while throwing your arms around him tightly. He had just gotten back from being on stage, and you were excited to see him. Even if you had only been apart a few hours. Next to you, Liam watched as you excitedly hugged Harry, completely oblivious to anyone else in the room. And it was odd, that in a moment where you were not trying to show them you were honest about loving Harry, Liam could clearly see how much you did love him. As you and Harry stood face to face, wrapped in each other's arms, and talked in whispers, Liam could finally see how true you were about all your feelings for Harry. He didn't say anything though, at least not then. He just smiled to himself, before leaving the two of you alone.

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