# 21: He Carries You To Bed

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Louis: “Let’s get you to bed yeah?” he huffs as he struggles to get you through the front door of his flat. Let’s just say you had a little too much to drink. “I’m not tired though!” you slurred, falling back onto the couch. “I’ll get you some water. Stay there,” he says before disappearing into the kitchen. Once he gets back, you’ve already fallen asleep. He sets the glass on the table and lifts you up bridal style. “Time for bed,” he laughs as he carries you to his room.

Liam: “I don’t want to study anymore! My brain is full,” you whine, resting your head on the desk. “Let’s just get one more chapter in! It’s the easiest chapter. We can do this,” he notes before realizing you’ve already dozed off. He taps you on the shoulder and whispers, “(Y/N)? You awake?” When he gets no reply, he chuckles and sets his pencil down. He gets out of his seat and holds you in his arms. “We better get that chapter done tomorrow. Haha.”

Niall: “I’ll get the junk and you pick the movie,” you reminded him as you headed off to the kitchen. You both sat side by side with blankets jumbled onto your laps. “Pass me another piece of licorice will ya?” Niall suggests, “(Y/N)?” He looks down and sees you fast asleep against his shoulder. A small smile tugs at lips. He carefully stands up and scoops you up into his arms, “Looks like we’ll have to end the movie a bit early.”

Zayn: You joined Zayn and the boys on tour for a few months. It’s been tiring even though you don’t exactly have to do anything. While the boys were on stage, you struggled to stay awake. “Just go to sleep babe,” Lou, the hairdresser, suggests. You shook your head, “I’ll wait a little longer.” Once Zayn gets off stage, he sees you’ve already fallen asleep and comes over and carries you, “Let’s get you back to the trailer. You owe me one. Haha.”

Harry: "Finally!" you cheer as you get into the car, "No more paparazzi." He laughs, "But I love them." You rolled your eyes at him as you get comfortable into the passenger seat. As he was driving to your flat, he asks, "Tour was fun right? I’m glad you got to join us. You should come on the next one." When he gets no reply, he looks over at you and finds that you’ve already fallen asleep. He makes a detour back to his flat and carries you out of the car, "Looks like you’ll be spending the night."

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