#57: Working Out With Him..

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Liam: Liam had a home gym set up and finally talked you into working out with him. You pulled up a loose shirt and some athletic shorts before heading inside to see Liam stretching. You take a seat next to him and start leaning towards one leg, pushing yourself so that your wrist was passed your toes, impressing Liam next to you. He glanced over as you continued stretching. “What?” you ask, looking over to him. “You’re just really flexible,” he says, standing up. You shrug and say, “I’m not that lazy, Liam.” He just chuckles and says, “So, where else can you be flexible?” Your eyes widen in shock at your cheeky but yet still adorable as a little puppy Liam. 

Harry: You liked to go on morning runs and one morning, on Harry’s day off, you accidentally woke him up. “Babe, where are you going?” he says, his voice raspy and groaning. “On my morning run, love. I’ll be back soon,” you say. “Noo, wait. I wanna come,” he says. You crawls out of bed and gets ready. You set out, going at a slow pace for Harry’s sake. You started to speed up and kept your speed consistent for a long time before Harry started to fall behind. “Babe! Wait up!” he says, trying to catch up to you. “C’mon babe! You gotta keep up!” you say, not slowing down. You run all the way home and he arrives a couple minutes later. “Why are you so good at this?” he asks, out of breath. You shrug and get your boyfriend some water. “Training, Harry. I gotta keep myself in shape!” you say. He walks over to you and wraps his arms around your waist. “I’m glad you do, babe. I love your body,” he says before giving you a quick kiss. 

Zayn: You were in the living room, doing your P90X core workout while Zayn was out. You were only wearing a sports bra and spandex since it was getting way intense and you were sweating like crazy. You were going hard at your Russian twists when the door flew open, Zayn walking through the door. “Babe?” he calls out. “Oh there you are!” he says. You were too into your workout and too out of breath to respond. He stood there and waited for you to take a break. “Hey, babe!” you say, taking a swig of water. “Why do you always do core?” he asks before you take your position in front of the TV. “I dunno, I gotta thin out, I guess,” you say, resuming your workout. Suddenly the video pauses and you look up and Zayn. “Before you keep working out, I just wanna say that no matter what, you will always be absolutely perfect, so please don’t feel like you have to change, okay?” You smile and nod, kissing your boyfriend. “I love you, Zayn.” “I love you, too, [Y/N].” 

Niall: “Niall, babe, we gotta work this dinner off!” you say, like you always say after a big dinner, although you never follow through. “Okay, we’ll start tomorrow,” he says. Your head snaps towards him. “What?!” you say, laughing. “I’m serious!” he says. The next day, he wakes you up and pulls you out of bed, literally. “BABE LET’S GO!” he says. You get up and change into workout clothes. “Niall why are we-“ “No excuses!” he says. You groan as he pulls you into the cold air, starting on a jog. You were doing pretty well until you started getting close to home. Niall yells, “FIRST ONE HOME GETS THE LAST SLICE OF CHOCOLATE CAKE GO!” he says, sprinting. You sprint too, almost catching up with him. He throws the door open and runs towards the fridge. “It’s all mine!” he says. You pull the puppy dog face that Liam taught you. He looks at you and looks down at the cake. “Fine,” he mumbles. “We can share!” Your eyes brighten as you give him kiss. “What can I say? You’re just irresistible!” he says, feeding you a piece of cake. 

Louis: You walked into your bedroom to see Louis doing push-ups, his muscles flexing in the best way. He looked up to see you staring. “Like what you see?” he says, winking. You blush a little and join him on the floor. “I bet I can do more than you!” you challenge. He looks at you and laughs, “Okay, I’ll go first, but I’ll try not to set the bar too high.” He knocks out 130 push-ups nonstop and you sit there, defeated. You couldn’t just give up, so you start. You’re at 100 when your arms feel tense and you’re about to give up. You hit 150. 125. You’re done. “Damn, babe! You only got 5 less than me!” he says, pulling you into his arms. You laugh and smack him. “I’ll be you next time, Lou. Just wait and see!” He kisses you before saying, “I’ll be watching out for you, now, [Y/N].

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